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Math Co-Host *1 class -Send email to Ms. Krska (Mr. Martin shares her email account) *Subject Line: “Mr. Martin Co-host” -Attach 1 powerpoint slide about.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Co-Host *1 class -Send email to Ms. Krska (Mr. Martin shares her email account) *Subject Line: “Mr. Martin Co-host” -Attach 1 powerpoint slide about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Co-Host *1 class -Send email to Ms. Krska (Mr. Martin shares her email account) *Subject Line: “Mr. Martin Co-host” -Attach 1 powerpoint slide about “YOU” -name (picture optional) -favorite subject -what you like about ohdela -fun fact

2 Learn About Mr. Martin & his Class Expectations Math class is a slamming good time!


4 - My name is Mr. Martin. -I’m your new 6 th grade math teacher. -I’ve been teaching 11 year s, 9 at OHDELA. -My favorite subject is of course…Spanish!! It’s going to be a fun-filled end to the school year! *My Baby Picture

5 From looking at the pictures, can you guess some of my favorite things?

6 I love to root for the Pittsburgh Steelers. My favorite color is blue. The Cleveland Indians are my favorite Ohio team.

7 -I have a twin brother (I’m 7 minutes older); also have an older brother. -My parents have been married for 40 years. -I love to play and watch all types of sports! -My all-time favorite movie is ____________________. -My favorite food has to be ______________________. -My favorite TV shows are __________________& _________________. -My favorite band is _________________.


9 Fear Confusion Excitement Which picture would describe how you feel about math?

10 Attend weekly math classes in WIMBA *Monday through Thursday Stay positive and don’t get down on yourself. Participate in class and write notes Notify me if you need help or are confused about something.


12 Mr. Martin: 1-800-493-8680 (Ext. 1052) *The best time to reach me is 3:30-5:30

13 From now on, we will meet for LIVE math classes Monday through Thursday 1:45 – 3:15 90-minute block for *Lesson *Homework Help *FRIDAY: Help Session 9:30 - 10

14 Just as you did with Ms. Krska, we will continue with “Standards Based Grading” or SBG Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Where do I hope you’ll be with each unit?

15 You will NOT be turning in your homework to me. We will do homework problems “Together” once the lesson is over. The “Summative” assessments will count towards your report card as usual.





20 What is the best way to log into math class? 1) Martin_Shawn 2) Shawn_Martin 3) Doo_Scooby 4) Dela39

21 I do not want you to do this now. -Never click the “X” -Always click “Exit.” It’s located above my smiling picture.


23 100% of you will be successful if you do the following: Follow a consistent schedule Use lesson plans daily to complete day to day work Communicate with your teachers if problems/questions occur Attend and participate in WIMBA classes on a regular basis. Never give up! Believe you can Achieve!!

24 Be sure to put the points in your checkbook! *Reason: Math Rocks = 60 points

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