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Peachtree Ridge HS National Honor Society 01.08.2015 // 2015-16 School Year Meeting #4.

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Presentation on theme: "Peachtree Ridge HS National Honor Society 01.08.2015 // 2015-16 School Year Meeting #4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peachtree Ridge HS National Honor Society 01.08.2015 // 2015-16 School Year Meeting #4

2 Hours Reminders  34 (1 st and 2 nd semester) hours are due Friday, May 6 th at 2:30pm. Get started early!  SENIORS: If you want a cord at Honors Night, complete the 34 hours completed by Friday, March 4 th  Hours do not roll over in NHS!  FOUR (4) out of the 17 hours MUST come from EndZone tutoring  Remember to ALWAYS sign in and out behind circulation desk for tutoring!  DO NOT send in hours forms for EndZone tutoring! All hours will be taken from the sign in/out sheet at the circulation desk!  34 (1 st and 2 nd semester) hours are due Friday, May 6 th at 2:30pm. Get started early!  SENIORS: If you want a cord at Honors Night, complete the 34 hours completed by Friday, March 4 th  Hours do not roll over in NHS!  FOUR (4) out of the 17 hours MUST come from EndZone tutoring  Remember to ALWAYS sign in and out behind circulation desk for tutoring!  DO NOT send in hours forms for EndZone tutoring! All hours will be taken from the sign in/out sheet at the circulation desk!

3 Hours Reminders  New: Minimum of THREE (3) outside hours! (almost all of you meet this requirement anyways)  Send all hours forms to  Find hours forms on!  All hours starting from Saturday, December 5 th will count towards second semester.  New: Minimum of THREE (3) outside hours! (almost all of you meet this requirement anyways)  Send all hours forms to  Find hours forms on!  All hours starting from Saturday, December 5 th will count towards second semester.

4 New Hours Spreadsheet/Forms  How to get to the Hours Spreadsheet:  New Hours Form  How to get to the Hours Spreadsheet:  New Hours Form

5 Emails!  It is IMPERATIVE that all of you check your emails often!  We will be sending newsletters, updates, and volunteer opportunities through this platform  Remind101 is NOT enough!  New platform, so if you do not see an email from ‘PRHS NHS’, then check spam/junk mail and/or the “Promotions” tab for Gmail.  It is IMPERATIVE that all of you check your emails often!  We will be sending newsletters, updates, and volunteer opportunities through this platform  Remind101 is NOT enough!  New platform, so if you do not see an email from ‘PRHS NHS’, then check spam/junk mail and/or the “Promotions” tab for Gmail.

6 Lions’ CARE Closet 2 nd Semester NHS Service Project

7 CARE C C ommunity A A ssistance & R R esource E E ffort C C ommunity A A ssistance & R R esource E E ffort

8 What? An ”Absolutely ANONYMOUS” Food Pantry An ”Absolutely ANONYMOUS” Food Pantry

9 Who? Students in Need Students in Need

10 Why?  Students Are Too Embarrassed to Ask in Public  Students Need It  More Student Success!!  Students Are Too Embarrassed to Ask in Public  Students Need It  More Student Success!!


12 NATIONAL Georgia Gwinnett County The Plan… Care Closet NHS

13 How?  School Clubs  Local Business Sponsors  School Clubs  Local Business Sponsors

14 School Clubs Different Club Each Month  Stock with Non-Perishable Items (cans, rice, dry soups, etc.)  Discard Expired Items “CARE Closet” Rep – Explain purpose/process to each club Different Club Each Month  Stock with Non-Perishable Items (cans, rice, dry soups, etc.)  Discard Expired Items “CARE Closet” Rep – Explain purpose/process to each club

15 Local Businesses Request Goods or Donations As Needed Request Goods or Donations As Needed

16 How?  “Word of Mouth”/Announcements  Contact Guidance Counselor for Access CONFIDENTIALLY  CONFIDENTIALLY put food in back pack  “Word of Mouth”/Announcements  Contact Guidance Counselor for Access CONFIDENTIALLY  CONFIDENTIALLY put food in back pack

17 When?  During the School Day  Before/After School  During the School Day  Before/After School

18 Where?  Closed-Off Area In the Counseling Office IMPORTANT:  IMPORTANT: No Students (aides, other students in counseling office, etc.) can see students accessing the closet.  Closed-Off Area In the Counseling Office IMPORTANT:  IMPORTANT: No Students (aides, other students in counseling office, etc.) can see students accessing the closet.

19 Why Start with PRHS? TRIBE

20 What is going to happen?  NHS will be involved and responsible for the preparation, kick off, and the maintenance of the Lions’ CARE Closet.  To kick off the Closet, a food drive will be held on the week of March 7 th.  After that week, donation drop-off locations will open up and be open for the rest of the year.  NHS will be involved and responsible for the preparation, kick off, and the maintenance of the Lions’ CARE Closet.  To kick off the Closet, a food drive will be held on the week of March 7 th.  After that week, donation drop-off locations will open up and be open for the rest of the year.

21 How will this work?  Four committees: Outreach Committee, Food Drive Committee, Advertisement Committee, Maintenance Committee  EVERY member is REQUIRED to participate.  Seniors are recommended to be involved in the Outreach and Food Drive Committees.  Each committee needs a 1 or 2 committee chairs. If you are interested, please talk to Officer Contact of that committee.  Four committees: Outreach Committee, Food Drive Committee, Advertisement Committee, Maintenance Committee  EVERY member is REQUIRED to participate.  Seniors are recommended to be involved in the Outreach and Food Drive Committees.  Each committee needs a 1 or 2 committee chairs. If you are interested, please talk to Officer Contact of that committee.

22 How will this work?  Roles of each committees are outlines. Lots of planning and involving yourself will be required.  Optional (but NOT replacement): 3 articles of food = 1 hr  3 hr maximum  Roles of each committees are outlines. Lots of planning and involving yourself will be required.  Optional (but NOT replacement): 3 articles of food = 1 hr  3 hr maximum

23 Committee Descriptions  Four different committees:  Outreach Committee: Liaison between CARE Closet and other clubs. Person will keep clubs accountable and updated; continually keeping up with the club.  (Officer Contact: Priyanka Desai // 60 members)  Four different committees:  Outreach Committee: Liaison between CARE Closet and other clubs. Person will keep clubs accountable and updated; continually keeping up with the club.  (Officer Contact: Priyanka Desai // 60 members)

24 Committee Descriptions  Four different committees:  Food Drive Committee: Plan the food drive and work with the outreach committee to make sure that the food drive is successful  (Officer Contact: Reeya Shah // 20 members)  Four different committees:  Food Drive Committee: Plan the food drive and work with the outreach committee to make sure that the food drive is successful  (Officer Contact: Reeya Shah // 20 members)

25 Committee Descriptions  Four different committees:  Advertisement Committee: Advertise with flyers and other means, decorate the drop-off locations  (Officer Contact: Eric Yan //15 members)  Four different committees:  Advertisement Committee: Advertise with flyers and other means, decorate the drop-off locations  (Officer Contact: Eric Yan //15 members)

26 Committee Descriptions  Four different committees:  Maintenance Committee: Maintains the drop-off locations around the school after the kick off food drive and keeps inventory  (Officer Contact: Keshav Kalathoor // 15 members)  List the order of preference on the sign-out sheet!  Four different committees:  Maintenance Committee: Maintains the drop-off locations around the school after the kick off food drive and keeps inventory  (Officer Contact: Keshav Kalathoor // 15 members)  List the order of preference on the sign-out sheet!

27 Questions? It’s better to ask them now rather than later!

28 Summary  Get started on your hours! Seniors: Hours are due March 4 th if you want your cord on Honors Night!  Check your emails often! Make sure you are getting our emails!  We’ll send one out today by 6:00pm.  Everyone needs to sign out and indicate the committees you want to be a part of in the order of preference on the sign out sheet!  Next meeting: February 19 th  Get started on your hours! Seniors: Hours are due March 4 th if you want your cord on Honors Night!  Check your emails often! Make sure you are getting our emails!  We’ll send one out today by 6:00pm.  Everyone needs to sign out and indicate the committees you want to be a part of in the order of preference on the sign out sheet!  Next meeting: February 19 th

29 Remember to stay awesome! NHS Officers & Sponsors 2015-16

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