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Preparing Students in Grades 2-8 for MAP Testing Computer-Adaptive National Heritage Academies.

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1 Preparing Students in Grades 2-8 for MAP Testing Computer-Adaptive Testing @ National Heritage Academies

2 What is MAP? MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) are tests in mathematics, reading, language usage, and science. Students will take some or all of these tests, using a computer, at least three times per year (fall, winter and spring).

3 How Does MAP Work? You will read the test questions that are shown on the computer screen and choose an answer using the mouse. Each question you get is based on how you answered the previous question, so the computer will build a test especially for you. Each test is different!

4 Why You’re Taking MAP tests It is very important that you do your personal best!! Why? Your test scores will show your teacher what you should be working on to improve the most and be successful. These tests are not being used to figure out what you already know… but what you need to learn.

5 Expected Conduct for Students Believe you are capable of great things…because YOU ARE and I believe in you!! Read directions slowly and carefully. Stay focused on your own test and respect others by not talking to other students. All students deserve to test without distractions. Use only the materials that may be provided to you by your test proctor. Answer your own questions. Strive to do your best – Carpe Diem!!

6 Important When Taking a Test You must answer every question – you cannot skip any. You cannot go back to a previous question. If you go too fast and/or answer randomly, the test will most likely stop and you will have to take the test all over again from the beginning, doing it more slowly and thoughtfully. Don’t spend a lot of time to get a difficult question right-answer to the best of your ability and move on.

7 If You Get Stuck You are not expected to know the answer to every question, just use your best test-taking strategies. Remember… the purpose of taking the tests is so your teacher can find out what you need to learn so you can be successful. Your teacher or test proctor is not allowed to help you, except in extreme cases.

8 The first screen on the testing computer will look like this.

9 Go on This is a sample math question. Work out the problem and then click on the radio button next to the best answer in the choices provided. Notice the calculator at the bottom. You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. If you use it, click on the buttons with your mouse pointer instead of pressing them with your finger. You may also use scratch paper, if provided by your test proctor. Once you have chosen your answer, click the “Go on” button at the bottom of the screen.

10 Go on This is a sample reading question. You should read the directions first and then read the passage. Next, read the question and select the best answer from the choices provided. If you have difficulty with some words, sound them out the best you can. After you have chosen your answer, click the “Go on” button to move to the next question.


12 When you are done with the test, raise your hand so the test proctor can close out your test and check your score. It’s a good idea to write down your scores so you can compare them to your scores next time you take the test. Try to beat your previous score! If you are done early, take out a book and quietly read. Done Testing?

13 Questions?

14 Wishing You the Best in Your Efforts! Happy Testing

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