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Social Agenda of the Federal Government Professional Qualification and Bolsa Família Jun./2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Agenda of the Federal Government Professional Qualification and Bolsa Família Jun./2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Agenda of the Federal Government Professional Qualification and Bolsa Família Jun./2008

2  Consolidate a policy that guarantees rights  Further reduce social inequality  Seek the integrated management of policies, promoting opportunities  Federal Pact between Nation, States and Municipalities SOCIAL AGENDA Objectives

3 REDUCTION OF INEQUALITY  Reduce poverty and social inequality  Eliminate extreme poverty and hunger  Guarantee the right of families to social protection and promotion  Expansion of the benefits of the Bolsa Familia Program  Generation of opportunities for poor urban families  Generation of opportunities for poor rural families Focus

4 REDUCTION OF INEQUALITIES  Increase of 18.25% in benefit level  Widening of age of beneficiaries to cover 15 to 17 year olds  Overcome rural poverty, through a sustainable strategy of territorial development  Social and Professional Qualification and productive insertion associated with PAC  Stimulus to economic solidarity initiatives Bolsa Família Program Generation of opportunities for the families of Bolsa Família Inclusive Territorial Development Done

5 Bolsa Família Delivery of a financial benefit directly to families, with minimal intermediation; Conditionalities to facilitate access to essential social services; Facilitate the integration of various government programs whose direct or indirect purpose is to to reduce poverty.

6 Bolsa Família Overcoming poverty requires the integrated action of public policies in labor, education, health and social assistence; Economic growth and income transfers alone have obvious limitations in reaching the objective of eradicating poverty.

7 Professional Qualification PlanSeQ Bolsa Família First substantial action in the “emancipation” of the families of PBF; Joint Action of Ministries of Labor and Employment and Social Development; Align the employment generation coming from the PAC with professional qualification oriented to the beneficiaries of PBF; Improve employment opportunities for the beneficiaries of PBF.

8 Professional Qualification PlanSeQ Bolsa Família ■ ■ Formation of an Interministerial Group (Casa Civil, Ministry of Labor and Employment, Ministry of Social Development y Min. of Urban Development); ■ ■ Assesss what is needed in order to incorporate the familiess of PBF into the employment being generated; ■ ■ Additional resources in the Ministry of Labor and Employment for the beneficiaries of PBF (R$ 200 millones);

9 Professional Qualificatioin PlanSeQ Bolsa Família Objetive Qualify workers within the beneficiary families of the Bolsa-Família Program, in order to place them in jobs generated by economic growth, in particular, the Program to Acelerate Growth.

10 Profesional Qualification PlanSeQ Bolsa Família Potential Sectors Direct: Housing, Sanitation, Water Supply, Reneweal and Inter-connection of Watersheds, Bio-Fuels, Energy Generation, Construction, Metalworking, Shipbuilding, Petroleum y Gas, Roads, Canals, Ports, Airports, etc. Indirect: Cleaning and Maintenance, Turism and Hospitality, Food, Industrial Services, Family Farming, etc.

11 Professional Qualification PlanSeQ Bolsa Família First action: Construction ■ ■ GDP growth – 4.6% and 5.0% en 2006/2007 and contracting increased 400% in 2007/2008; ■ ■ PAC – entre 2007-2011 investments of R$ 504 billion in infrastructure; ■ ■ PNAD (household survey) - Between 2004 and 2006, largest increase in employment among the beneficiaries of PBF ocurred in Construction (12.7%), Industry (5.9%) y Commerce y Repars (5.1%);

12 Professional Qualification PlanSeQ Bolsa Família Negotiation Process ■ ■ Businessment, Central Unions, representatives of professional managerial associations; ■ ■ Carried out a national public “audience” ■ ■ Establishment of a Tripartite National Committee ■ ■ Local meetings to agree on targets on qualification, job placements and matching resources; ■ ■ Final Agreement in the Consultative Committee

13 Professional Qualification PlanSeQ Bolsa Família Targets and distribution of resources ■ ■ 13 RM’s (SP, Campinas, Santos, RJ, BH, Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza, Belém, Manaus, Porto Alegre, Curitiba y RIDE- DF); ■ ■ Estimate of R$ 150 millones (US$ 93.7 million), with additional matching funds; ■ ■ 95% in the 13 RM’s y 5% for projects in other localities; ■ ■ Qualification of 200 thousand workers.

14 Professional Qualification PlanSeQ Bolsa Família Beneficiaries ■ ■ Beneficiaries between 18 and 60 years of age (with 4º years of primary school completed) ■ ■ Called to register in the National Employment Service ■ ■ Ranked by the vulnerability index (IDF); ■ ■ One worker per family; ■ ■ Potential group of 1.4 million persons ;

15 Professional Qualification PlanSeQ Bolsa Família Qualification Methodology ■ ■ Methodology of occupational patheways, when available, and professional certification; ■ ■ Qualification in sequential modules and early labor insertioin (introductory and on-the-job training in the work place, as part of the contract).

16 Professional Qualification PlanSeQ Bolsa Família Future Actions Agreement with states, municiaplities, and executing agencies; Mobilize the families and explain the objectives and importance of the activity; Integrate qualification with other strategies, including expansion of schooling; Define the next economic sectors that will be addressed with the remaining resources.

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