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Ole! As Readers can we: Deduce characters’ reasons for behaviour from their actions and explain how ideas are developed in texts? Interrogate texts to.

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Presentation on theme: "Ole! As Readers can we: Deduce characters’ reasons for behaviour from their actions and explain how ideas are developed in texts? Interrogate texts to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ole! As Readers can we: Deduce characters’ reasons for behaviour from their actions and explain how ideas are developed in texts? Interrogate texts to deepen and clarify and understanding or response? Identify themes and conventions in a wide range of books? Participate in discussions about both books that are read to us and those we have chosen to read? As Writers can we: Use further prefixes and suffixes? Use diagonal and horizontal strokes that are needed to join letters? Plan a story set in Spain by discussing and recording ideas? Use a range of sentences structures, extending these with different conjunctions? Assess the effectiveness of my own and others writing then suggest improvements? As Mathematicians can we: Recall multiplication and division facts (up to 12 x 12)? Multiply a 2 or 3 digit number by a 1 digit number using a formal written method? Convert between different units of measure? Find the perimeter and area of shapes? As Geographers can we: Locate Spain using a maps to focus on Europe? Name and locate key cities in Spain and Spanish speaking countries? Begin to discuss human and physical features? As Scientists can we : Construct a simple electrical circuit naming the basic parts? Identify whether a lamp will light in a circuit? Construct a simple device to take home which has the key features of a circuit? As Artists and Designers can we: Become competent with a range of cooking techniques, by preparing ingredients? Cook traditional Spanish cuisine? Learn about the great artist Pablo Picasso? Y4 Autumn 2

2 Learning Challenge Year 4 Autumn 2 Here are some ideas for this half term’s learning challenge! The challenge should be completed over the half term and needs to be brought into school by Monday 14 th December. I will look forward to seeing the completed challenges! Please see me if you have any questions Thank you, Miss L. Unwin As Writers can you: Find the definitions of words in Spanish or write simple sentences? Create a newspaper article about an event which could take place in Spain? Write a postcode or email to a child who lives in Spain? Continue the story of, ‘Toro Toro!’ by discussing what happens to Antonio? Create a story about ‘bullfighting’ using exciting vocabulary? As Scientists can you: Identify appliances around the home which run on electricity? Design a new conductor or insulator? As Mathematicians can you: Create a code breaker using Spanish numbers? Find out the numerical value of Spanish facts e.g. population? Create a Spanish Board Game using dice? As Artists and Designers can you: Research and make Spanish food at home? Create a picture of a Spanish location using a range of materials? Create and design a tile that the Spanish could use on their floors? As Historians can you: Research the Kings/Queens in rule at the time of the Spanish Armada? Find out about key events in Spanish history then order these on a timeline? As ICT Technicians can you: Create and a design an app about Spain Research Spain using the internet and word process information that you find? As Musicians can you: Listen to and evaluate Spanish music? Create your own Spanish song using key vocabulary?

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