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1 Vocabulary III Instruction: Each problem in Part A consists of a sentence from which one word has been omitted. You should choose the word which best.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Vocabulary III Instruction: Each problem in Part A consists of a sentence from which one word has been omitted. You should choose the word which best."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Vocabulary III Instruction: Each problem in Part A consists of a sentence from which one word has been omitted. You should choose the word which best completes the sentence.

2 2 1. His winning the award was the highest…… of his career. 1) hypothesis 2) spectacle 3) achievement 4) disaster Key:3

3 3 2. The Indian had only a …….with which to defend himself. 1) spear 2) spare 3) speck 4) spire Key:1

4 4 3. The…….of the man makes him afraid to speak to the girl. 1) eagerness 2) keenness 3) earnestness 4) shyness Key:4

5 5 4. Don’t…….the door; the noise bothers me. 1) slam 2) spin 3) tip 4) veto Key:1

6 6 5. I do not…….you for the problem; it was not your fault. 1) delude 2) blame 3) offend 4) upset Key:2

7 7 6. Apple pie was his favorite………. 1) dessert 2) desert 3) device 4) digest Key:1

8 8 7. The story was so……that we hated for it to end. 1) exciting 2) dull 3) tedious 4) boring Key:1

9 9 8. The light was too……for the boy to read the letter. 1) illuminating 2) implicit 3) dim 4) steady Key:3

10 10 9. I knew that my father would……me for disobeying him. 1) provoke 2) provide 3) puzzle 4) punish Key:4

11 11 10.The amount was neither too greater nor too small; a (n)…….amount of money was required. 1) moderate 2) enormous 3) minute 4) liberal Key:1

12 12 11.I must call the plumber because the…….of my sink has become stopped up. 1) hoof 2) plot 3) fuel 4) drain Key:4

13 13 12.Smuel Morse’s painting ability has been…… by his better-known accomplishments. 1) obligated 2) obscured 3) oppressed 4) opposed Key:2

14 14 13.Because the earth is round, it is usually represented by a ………. 1) cube 2) globe 3) block 4) cylinder Key:2

15 15 14.Chiristopher Columbus’ father made cloth. He was a ………. 1) weaver 2) tailor 3) savior 4) porter Key:1

16 16 15.One’s eyes, nose, and mouth are some of the…….of one’s face. 1) fixtures 2) fractures 3) features 4) fragments Key:3

17 17 16.The cowboys had to change the…….of the cattle because the grass was all dry and brown. 1) partitions 2) parcels 3) parishes 4) pastures Key:4

18 18 17.The entrance or waiting room of a hotel is called a ………. 1) den 2) studio 3) lobby 4) parlor Key:3

19 19 18.The girl took a long…….across the peninsula and thus she was very tired. 1) voyage 2) hike 3) thrust 4) dip Key:2

20 20 19.If something requires immediate action or attention, it is said to be………. 1) prompt 2) swift 3) timely 4) urgent Key:4

21 21 20.The child…….to her mother, so that her father would not hear. 1) whittled 2) wrestled 3) whistled 4) whispered Key:4

22 22 21.Even though she hadn’t seen it in many years, the woman…….her son’s handwriting. 1) recognized 2) recommended 3) reconciled 4) recounted Key:1

23 23 22.Seeing the murderer kill his victim was a terrible…….for the child. 1) plague 2) quest 3) ordeal 4) litter Key:3

24 24 23.When the concert was over, the audience ………enthusiastically. 1) advertised 2) appreciated 3) applauded 4) assembled Key:3

25 25 24. Do not…….asleep or you will miss the most exciting part of the movie. 1) go 2) fall 3) slip 4) sink Key:2

26 26 25. He…….that he been the one to run away from the fight. 1) fulfilled 2) convinced 3) refused 4) denied Key:4

27 27 PART B Instruction: Each problem in part B consists of a numbered word or short phrase. You should choose the one word-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-whose meaning is closest to that of the numbered word or phrase.

28 28 26. to perspire 1) flow 2) leak 3) sweat 4) peck Key:3

29 29 27. deep 1) predominant 2) prodigious 3) profound 4) protruding Key:3

30 30 28. different 1) unique 2) available 3) rugged 4) authentic Key:1

31 31 29. strange 1) exotic 2) gorgeous 3) hideous 4) integral Key:1

32 32 30. wander 1) waste 2) ache 3) roam 4) toil Key:3

33 33 31. dry up; fade 1) waver 2) wither 3) tutor 4) suffer Key:2

34 34 32. surprise 1) admonish 2) abolish 3) accomplish 4) astonish Key:4

35 35 33. easily 1) readily 2) harmoniously 3) subtly 4) radically Key:1

36 36 34. speed 1) lace 2) pace 3) base 4) vase Key:2

37 37 35. victory 1) treachery 2) turmoil 3) triumph 4) tribute Key:3

38 38 36. to change 1) assert 2) alter 3) avoid 4) assign Key:2

39 39 37. to mix together 1) distend 2) defend 3) blend 4) tend Key:3

40 40 38. to run away from danger 1) glow 2) flee 3) soar 4) pelt Key:2

41 41 39. loyalty 1) semblance 2) influence 3) allegiance 4) relevance Key:3

42 42 40. to choose a person for an office 1) appoint 2) adopt 3) admire 4) affirm Key:1

43 43 41. to desire greatly 1) grasp 2) lure 3) approve 4) yearn Key:4

44 44 42. refuse 1) resist 2) reject 3) repress 4) repeal Key:2

45 45 43. to become larger 1) swell 2) jell 3) yell 4) quell Key:1

46 46 44. to make free from 1) discern 2) contrast 3) exempt 4) enact Key:3

47 47 45. various 1) diverse 2) reverse 3) converse 4) inverse Key:1

48 48 46. real 1) potential 2) genuine 3) magnificent 4) spontaneous Key:2

49 49 47. part 1) tension 2) reaction 3) version 4) portion Key:4

50 50 48. inform 1) ratify 2) defy 3) notify 4) pacify Key:3

51 51 49. very necessary 1) convertible 2) homogenous 3) arbitrary 4) essential Key:4

52 52 50. to lie down 1) decline 2) resign 3) recline 4) design Key:3

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