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Getting in the Maker Mindset

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1 Getting in the Maker Mindset
The Maker Movement explores how getting hands on with learning can open up a whole new world of discovery in an evolved learning environment. Creating spaces and centers for making and building lets students take the lead while practically applying learned skills and knowledge in subject areas such as engineering and science. Come explore from the mind of the student, collaborating, problem solving, and even playing together as you check out fruit pianos, 3D Doodling, and even make your own maker toy. Catie Dwinal Coni Dwinal

2 Play is the highest form of research- Albert Einstein
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn- Benjamin Franklin To invent you need a good imagination and a pile of junk- Thomas Edison Free the child’s potential and you will transform the world- Maria Montessori The best way to predict the future is to invent it- Alan Kay Does the computer program the child or the child program the computer?- Seymour Papert Playrooms and games, animals and plants, wood and nails must take their place side-by-side with books and words- Angelo Patri Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn- O. Fred Donaldson As soon as children find something that interests them, they lose their instability and learn to concentrate- Maria Montessori Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to?- George Carlin Creativity is intelligence having fun- Albert Einstein Play is the highest form of research- Albert Einstein

3 Objectives: Know how powerful being able to play and explore is for a child. Know what the Maker movement is and what you can do in class. Walk away with some new ideas

4 The Power of Play Kids pay more attention to academic tasks when they are given frequent, brief opportunities for free play Play and exploration trigger the secretion of a substance essential for the growth of brain cells Play improves memory Play enhances language development and social skills It promotes problem solving Studies indicate that complexity of block play has a direct impact on math skills

5 What is a play experience?
Play involves exploration and investigation- play is learning 2. Play is SELF-motivated and fun! 3. Play is practice for real life challenges

6 Maker Movement The maker movement is a new age culture representing a technology based extension of DIY that is taking over education. It emphasizes learning-through-doing (constructivism) in an environment that is social and judgment free. It is a time to play, problem solve, critically think, and so much more. Maker culture is informal, networked, peer-led, and shared learning motivated by fun and self- fulfillment. Wouldn’t it be amazing to see every student go above and beyond? Could you see them building circuits? Are you not getting tired of using your computer access just teaching how to type? What if you had them code their own app and then actually USED it? What if, instead of teaching a student to follow, you taught them to lead?

7 Sandbox Time! Makey Makey 3D Doodler Pen LED NameTags

8 Visit our resources page at:
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