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Market Revolution Chapter 9. How do you Define/Explain “Market Revolution”?

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Presentation on theme: "Market Revolution Chapter 9. How do you Define/Explain “Market Revolution”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Market Revolution Chapter 9

2 How do you Define/Explain “Market Revolution”?

3 Transportation Revolution A) Roads – “turnpikes” B) Steam boats – Canals C) Railroads D) Telegraph – Samuel F.B. Morse

4 Erie Canal- 363 miles long

5 Turnpikes or shunpikes Which road to take?

6 Opening of the West A) Where was the “west”? B) Squatters


8 Regional Economies A) Cotton Kingdom – “cash crop” How did the prohibiting of the slave trade in 1808 impact the South? B) Commercial farmers C) Factory System How did the War of 1812 influence industrialization?

9 Samuel Slater

10 Francis Lowell

11 Changes in Labor System “Wage System” “Clock Time” English System Wage Slavery


13 Market Society Production Transportation Banking

14 Patterns of Immigration Old Immigrants A) Irish B) Germans C) Rise of Nativism

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