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HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) Авторы: А.В. Епихин ассистент кафедры бурения скважин, О.С. Ульянова, доцент кафедры ИЯПР Томск-2015 г.

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Presentation on theme: "HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) Авторы: А.В. Епихин ассистент кафедры бурения скважин, О.С. Ульянова, доцент кафедры ИЯПР Томск-2015 г."— Presentation transcript:

1 HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) Авторы: А.В. Епихин ассистент кафедры бурения скважин, О.С. Ульянова, доцент кафедры ИЯПР Томск-2015 г.

2 HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) (охрана здоровья (ОЗ), техника безопасности (ТБ) и охрана окружающей среды (ООС)) is an abbreviation for Health, Safety and Environment. These three issues are of paramount importance to the drilling and drilling fluids community, as they are to the entire petroleum industry.

3 HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) Toolbox Talk (специальный инструктаж) a meeting on an operational site which takes place prior to an activity which is especially hazardous or which is unfamiliar to the workers. All of the relevant personnel attend.

4 HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (средства индивидуальной защиты (СИЗ)) equipment which is designed to protect the person against the consequences of workplace hazards, for example hard hat, boots, respirator, etc.

5 HSE (Health, Safety and Environment)

6 a) overall (Br E) / coverall (Am E) a) ear protector b) gloves c) lifeline d) eye protectors/ goggles a) safety boots b) hard hat c) harness

7 HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) an escape plan hand rails

8 HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) preventer/safety line seat belts

9 HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) fire extinguisher first aid kit

10 HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) a) Using noisy equipment without ear protectors b) Working without goggles c) Working without a harness

11 HSE (Health, Safety and Environment)

12 Thank you for attention

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