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Welcome to the National Capital Bible Church. Made in His Image Baby’s First Breath.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the National Capital Bible Church. Made in His Image Baby’s First Breath."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the National Capital Bible Church

2 Made in His Image Baby’s First Breath

3 Septum The Adult Circulatory Arrangement Higher pressure Lower Pressure

4 Fetal Circulatory Arrangement: Three Major Differences 1. The baby must have a substitute lung (placenta). 2. The circuit to the lungs must be bypassed (high pressure). 3. A fetal system of blood vessels must exist (three shunts).

5 The fetal circulatory system includes three shunts to divert blood from undeveloped and partially functioning organs, as well as blood supply to and from the placenta.


7 Unique Fetal Circulation Features 1. Temporary umbilical arteries and veins 2. Temporary opening in septum (foramen ovale) 3. Temporary pulmonary artery-aorta shun vessel 4. High pressure in the lungs and right side of heart 5. Low pressure on the left side of heart

8 Vital Circulatory Changes Occur at Birth (w/in 30 minutes) 1. The umbilical cord rapidly and powerfully constricts. 3. The baby’s nervous system stimulates breathing center. 4. The right side pressure of the heart immediately drops. 5. The “trap door” in the septum is pressure shut and seals. 6. Strong sphincter muscles causes umbilical vein and pulmonary –aorta artery shun to close. 7. Internal umbilical vein and arteries transform from blood vessels to stabilizing ligaments. 2. The immediate increase of carbon dioxide in baby’s blood.

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