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Lewis Dot Diagrams. Since atoms are only concerned with having a full outer/valence shell. It is sometimes more convenient to look at the valence shell.

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Presentation on theme: "Lewis Dot Diagrams. Since atoms are only concerned with having a full outer/valence shell. It is sometimes more convenient to look at the valence shell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lewis Dot Diagrams

2 Since atoms are only concerned with having a full outer/valence shell. It is sometimes more convenient to look at the valence shell. Electrons in the valence shell are called valence electrons.

3 Lewis Dot Diagram A Lewis Dot Diagram is a diagram of the atom where only the valence electrons are drawn. Valence electrons are represented by dots. The nucleus of the atom is represented by the atom’s symbol only.

4 Lewis Dot Diagrams Since a full valence shell normally consists of 8 electrons, Lewis dot diagrams are drawn with two dots on the top, bottom, left and right. We only draw electrons for the outer shell.

5 Sulfur has 16 electrons. K = 2 L= 8 M = 6 (Valence shell) Draw the Lewis Dot Diagram S

6 The Periodic Table We’ll be talking about this next class. Here are some basics to help familiarize yourself with the table and help you to complete your assignment.

7 Metals are found on the left hand side The “staircase” shows metalliods Non-metals are on the right hand side

8 Each column is called a group/family Each row is called a period

9 Periodic Table Basics Page 7 Questions on page 8 and the “periodic table” you make will be handed in for marks. You have the rest of the class to work on it…… Let me know if you need help.

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