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Hiring and Evaluation Processes Greg Granderson & Pat James Hanz.

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Presentation on theme: "Hiring and Evaluation Processes Greg Granderson & Pat James Hanz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hiring and Evaluation Processes Greg Granderson & Pat James Hanz

2 History In the fall of 1989, the Academic Senate adopted two papers on faculty hiring: Contract Faculty Hiring Procedures: A Model Based on Assembly Bill 1725 and Part-time Faculty Hiring Procedures: A Model Based on Assembly Bill 1725 The papers were reviewed and a new one drafted in 2000: A Re-examination of Faculty Hiring Policies and Procedures Available at Follow the Publications Link: Keyword “Hiring”

3 Legal Foundations The California Education Code is unequivocal in its assignment of authority to faculty in the realm of hiring. Section 87360 (b) reads: “hiring criteria, policies, and procedures for new faculty members shall be developed and agreed upon jointly by representatives of the governing board, and the academic senate, and approved by the governing board.”

4 When should you become involved in hiring for a position? Prior to flying the position!

5 The Process Determining the Positions Needed –The Faculty Obligation Number & Funding –Role of Departments (75/25, program needs, future plans) –Clearly define a process for collaboration regarding which positions should be hired –Professional Implementation is Important

6 The Hiring Committee How many faculty members? At least 4 Which faculty roles should be considered? Department Chairs and Discipline Faculty Who else & Who appoints? Appropriate Administrator, Student, Staff

7 What Happened to Diversity? Affirmative Action: Gone in 1998 with Prop. 209 Retained in Title 5 by the Board of Governors as “The Community College Commitment to Diversity” Training Required by Title 5 53003

8 Who does paper screening? Faculty!

9 What about the interview? Learning on both sides! Committee determines the questions Fair: Questions asked and time allotted Teaching Demonstration Criteria for evaluation Discussion

10 Who does the final interview?

11 Part-Time and Emergency Hiring

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