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Westward Expansion American Progress Painted by John Gast 1873.

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Presentation on theme: "Westward Expansion American Progress Painted by John Gast 1873."— Presentation transcript:

1 Westward Expansion American Progress Painted by John Gast 1873

2 Manifest Destiny Take out a sheet of paper. You will have 5 minutes to answer the 7 questions and write down as many things as you can see in Gast’s painting. We will discuss those items and the questions as a class

3 “Columbia” represents the United States Star of Empire on her forehead and school book in her hand Telegraph wires movement westward, right to left flow, light to dark Buffalo, Native Americans and other wild game flee in the face of the storm of western expansion A City with all of its amenities indicates civilization and progress Pony Express, gold miners, and farmers illustrate progress Modes of transportation to the west

4 Manifest Destiny After viewing and discussing American Progress, look over your list of items, take a few minutes to write a Meal plan paragraph explaining what you see in the picture and any symbolism it may represent. Label your thesis statement and have 2 points of evidence that are supported with reference to the painting with analysis that supports your thesis statement Be prepared to share your ideas with a partner and the class.

5 What do you think? Explain how Americans in 1873 would have interpreted this painting? Today? What do you think the purpose of the painting was in 1873? How do you think Native Americans would have interpreted the painting in 1873? Today? Briefly explain the idea of Manifest Destiny. How does this painting illustrate this concept?

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