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Accelerating growth | reducing risk | increasing profitability Can DoD Architecture Make a Difference Today? DoD EA Conference 2011 Chris White 13 April,

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Presentation on theme: "Accelerating growth | reducing risk | increasing profitability Can DoD Architecture Make a Difference Today? DoD EA Conference 2011 Chris White 13 April,"— Presentation transcript:

1 accelerating growth | reducing risk | increasing profitability Can DoD Architecture Make a Difference Today? DoD EA Conference 2011 Chris White 13 April, 2011

2 “art or practice of designing and building structures” “a unifying or coherent form or structure” “the manner in which the components of a computer or computer system are organized and integrated” “as documentation produced by architects, typically drawings, plans and technical specifications, architecture defines the structure and/or behavior of a building or any other kind of system that is to be or has been built” ar·chi·tec·ture (noun \’ är-ke-,tek-chər\)

3 “the ability to perform actions” “the facility or potential for an indicated use or deployment” ca·pa·ble “having attributes, physical or mental, required for performance or accomplishment” ca·pa·bil·i·ty (noun \’ kā-pə-‘bi-lə-tē\)

4 “The data and information produced by architects to be consumed by others that defines the structure and behavior of any kind of system or ‘System of systems’ that is to be or has been built which provides the facility or potential necessary for performance or requirement in support of DoD Mission Areas” DoD Architecture

5 DoD Architecture Framework Data-centric Architecture Development “Fit for Purpose” Presentation Views Introduction of Capability and Project Viewpoints

6 C orporate M odeler for D oDAF 2.0 Enabling Technology for DoDAF 2.0 Released in May 2010 Numerous pilots and implementations Software, Training and Consulting

7 Support all DoDAF 2.0 Viewpoints and Models Look and feel like DoDAF 1.x (as much as possible) Align with and conform to DM2 Out of the Box “Fit for Purpose” Provide conversion capability from DoDAF 1.5 Enable Data Sharing and Analysis – DM2 Level 2 database CMD2 Guiding Principles

8 Understanding Resources and Performers Performer Activity Capability Materiel ResourceProject Location Organization PersonRole Services Systems Information

9 Understanding Resources and Performers Organizations/PersonRoles/Systems/Services… (As Performers) Have Capabilities Perform Activities Can have whole-part relationships Can be party to Agreements Can have materiel parts Performers… (As Resources) Exist/Perform at Locations Can be consumed and produced by Activities Can be the “desired effect” of a Project

10 Understanding Resources and Performers The benefit is that we can build architectures around the management, use and deployment of “Resources” in a very real world sense. It’s not JUST about IT and data anymore.

11 What’s a tuple? UAS UAV Ground Support System Command and Control System Target and Decoy UAV Reconnaissance UAV Combat UAV BAMS BAMS Vehicle NAVY Ground Systems Future Ground Systems Whole-Part Super-Subtype Temporal Whole-Part

12 Can DoD Architecture Make a Difference Today?

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