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Human Resource Staffing and Performance Management MANA 4328 Dennis C. Veit

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Presentation on theme: "Human Resource Staffing and Performance Management MANA 4328 Dennis C. Veit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Resource Staffing and Performance Management MANA 4328 Dennis C. Veit

2 Human Resource Management Planning and Job Design Recruiting and Selection Training and Development Performance Management Compensation Employee Relations

3 Human Resource Management  Interviewing is a SKILL ---  Which like any other skill, requires study and practice to perfect. It is often assumed that individuals with good communication skills are also good interviewers, but this is not always the case. It is becoming more and more important for interviewers to learn successful interviewing techniques.  Interviewees in general are becoming more skillful, while interviewers have not improved their skills.

4 Human Resource Management INTERVIEWING Definition ????????

5 Human Resource Management INTERVIEWING Purpose is the gathering of information so that both parties, the applicant and the employer, can make an equitable hiring decision.

6 Human Resource Management Purpose of Interview The ability to conduct a probing interview, interpret and evaluate information, and eventually, select the “right” person for a specific position….. While ensuring the interviewee gains the required information to make an informative decision

7 Human Resource Management Tools of the Interviewing Process 1.Abilities and skills to do the job  Can do factors  Work Experience  Education  Technical Skills  Communication Skills  Specialized Training  Analytical Skills

8 Human Resource Management INTERVIEWING 2.Behaviors  Will do factors  Motivation  Ambitions and Goals  Interests  Drive and energy  Reliability

9 Human Resource Management INTERVIEWING 3.Environment (Culture)  Fit Factor  Industry7. Entrepreneurial  Company8. Interpersonal Style  Specific Job9. Stress tolerance  Team Orientation 10. Cultural Aspects

10 Human Resource Management What is the most common error made by interviewers?

11 HR Staffing Is Used for What?  Legal Compliance  Determining HR needs  Projecting staffing levels  Job analyses  Managing competencies  Identifying and recruiting employees  Evaluating candidates  Selection tests  Interviewing  Managing retention

12 Performance Management  Performance management systems  Timing, forms, and outcomes  Managing for employee motivation  Goal setting  Pay for performance  Providing performance feedback

13 Staffing and Performance  Labor is the single most significant cost of doing business: payroll and replacement costs.  Business strategies require specific skills and behaviors to be successful.  Employees provide customer service, create value, and execute strategy.  HR practices can be crafted to support certain types of skills and encourage behaviors.  “How do we hire the right people?”

14 Human Resource Staffing Importance of Developing a Job Description? 1. Serve as the basis for developing structured selection tools 2. Defines what the job is your looking for 3. Helps set the level for pay 4. Provides an audit for HR and the Manager on success of applicant

15 “How do we hire the right people?” Traditionally staffing has focused on the match between an applicants skills and experience and the job requirements. Match Person KSA’s Motivation Job Requirements Rewards

16 Person/Job Match Match Impact Person KSA’s Motivation Job Requirements Rewards HR Outcomes Performance Extra Effort Retention Satisfaction Commitment

17 Person/ Organization Match Match Impact Person KSA’s Motivation ATTITUDE Job Requirements Rewards Organization Task Flexibility Values/Culture Career Progression HR Outcomes Performance Extra Effort Retention Satisfaction Commitment

18 Importance in an Accurate JD 1) If not accurate they become miss-leading 2) The best hiring systems use the competencies identified in the Critical Criteria section of the job description as a basis of building interview questions

19 Importance in an Accurate JD 3)The law requires that all criteria used for selection purposes be job-related -- 4)You and the company can be held liable if rejecting a candidate is due to inaccurate information on your job description!!

20 Critical Competencies Definition of Competency Analysis: The process by which you determine the competencies (KSA/M) necessary to perform the position. Key - those that are required for success in the position

21 Critical Competencies What is a job family? How are they used?

22 Critical Competencies Steps in the Competency Analysis: 1) Use multiple sources – people who understand the position. 2) Compile a detailed description of the tasks thru: Job Observation Incumbent Interviews Critical Incidents Meetings Conduct Competency surveys 3) Competency Visioning Meetings

23 How do I Use Critical Competencies Knowing the success factors of your jobs Grouping similar job function into job families Determining: turnover/absenteeism/production /quality/customer service


25 “Exercise used for hiring qualified candidates”

26 “Fallout Shelter” Applicants are told to imagine they are a committee charged with rebuilding civilization after a just-declared nuclear war. They're given a list of 15 people from different occupations: nurse, teacher, all- sport athlete, biochemist, pop singer. They have 10 minutes to make a unanimous decision about which 7 can remain in the only available fallout shelter.

27 “Fallout Shelter” The answers don’t matter.... The test is about the interaction... As the candidates debate, evaluators watch from across the room and grade each person on a scale from "passive" to "active" to "leader."

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