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Search for bursts with the Frequency Domain Adaptive Filter (FDAF ) Sabrina D’Antonio Roma II Tor Vergata Sergio Frasca, Pia Astone Roma 1 Outlines: FDAF.

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Presentation on theme: "Search for bursts with the Frequency Domain Adaptive Filter (FDAF ) Sabrina D’Antonio Roma II Tor Vergata Sergio Frasca, Pia Astone Roma 1 Outlines: FDAF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Search for bursts with the Frequency Domain Adaptive Filter (FDAF ) Sabrina D’Antonio Roma II Tor Vergata Sergio Frasca, Pia Astone Roma 1 Outlines: FDAF description FDAF description Project1a data application Project1a data application Filters performances comparison Filters performances comparison WSR7 seg. 27 data application WSR7 seg. 27 data application

2 Overview on the filter and cluster generation procedure Three STEPS: 1. Filtering procedure: An Adaptive Wiener Filter (AWF), in frequency domain, followed by a series (N) of band-pass filters with a Gaussian shape (phase zero) ->(N+1) filtered output 2. Event extraction An Adaptive threshold algorithm for the selection of the events applied at each filtered channel CH (N+1). 3. Cluster generation Events coming from different CH in coincidence in a given time window W are put together: this is one CLUSTER

3 RAW DATA Wiener Filter WF Power Spectrum SP estimation Filters bank (N) With Gaussian shape FFT 1 2..... 4....... …... ….. N+1 filtered output channels In the time domain Filtering procedure IFFT Hp Frequency domain back in time-domain Hp

4 Power spectra estimation PS is the estimated Power Spectrum of the noise, evaluated with a first order Auto-Regressive (AR) sum of the periodograms, P i : from PS i ’ = W ∙ PS’ i-1 + P i and n i = 1 + W ∙ n i-1 PS=PS’/n in our case: W=exp(-T/tau)= 0.9991 T= 3.2768 s (time duration of one data chunk used to obtain the Periodogram) tau=3600 s (Memory time: Simulated data-> stationary noise)

5 Event extraction: adaptive threshold technique for the events selection ( event search procedure applied at each filtered channel y(i)) Let y(i) the filtered data samples in time domain, we estimate m i = y i + W∙m i-1 q i = y² i + W∙q i-1 n i = 1 + W∙n i-1 with W = exp(-dt/tau) = 0.9999900 (corresponding to dt= 1/20000 s & tau = 5 s) and M i = m i /n I Q i = q i /n i S i = sqrt(Q i -(M i ) 2 ) From these we define the Critical Ratio (CR i ) of y(i) CR i =|(y i -M i )/S i |

6 Event extraction We define a “dead time’’, t d, as the minimum time between two events, and we put the threshold, ϑ, on the CR. A two-state ( 0 and 1 ) mechanism “event machine’’ has been used: 1. The “machine’’ starts with state 0 2. When CR > ϑ, it changes to state 1 and an event begins 3. The state changes to 0 after CR remains below ϑ for a time > t d (the event finishes) T0 = starting time CRmax = Max value of CR A = amplitude The ‘event’ is characterized Tmax = time of max CR by: L = length (in seconds) (duration of state 1) CH = frequency channel ϑ =3.9 td=0.2 s

7 Event cluster EVENT LIST of all frequency Channel (N+1) Ch1 Time CR … … … Ch4 Time CR … … … Ch7 Time CR … … … ……………… ………………… … … …………………………. Ch1 Time CR All Events coming from different frequency channel Ch in coincidences into a given time window W are put together: this is one CLUSTER. The time corresponding to the higher CR is the CLUSTER time. CLUSTER list Time CR1 CR2 CR3 …. CRN+1 Time CR1 … … … CRN+1 …………………. Time CR1 … … … CRN+1 CR i =0 if the frequency channel Ch i not in time coincidence with other.

8 Event cluster example (Preliminary Procedure!) Frequency channels: Mean values of the Gaussian filters CR value WF channel 0-2000 Hz Event list: Freq. Channel Time cr Ampl length.. 1 (40 Hz) tim1 6.13 … ….... ….... 2 (90Hz) tim2 6.75 … ….... ….. 3 (200Hz) tim3 6.0 … ….... ….... 10(0-2000Hz) tim10 4.8 6 … … Time distances tim10-tim1 < W=10ms They are put together-> one CLUSTER Cluster list Time CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4........ CR10 Time2 6.13 6.75 6.0 0 0 0 0 0 4.8 cluster ordering number CR 40 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz tim2 is the time corresponding to the maximum CR ->time2=CLUSTER time

9 Project1a preliminary results gr-qc/0701026 A comparison of methods for gravitational wave burst searches from LIGO and Virgo

10 3 hours of Virgo simulated noise

11 Injected signals INPUT: 3 hours of Virgo (vs=20 kHz) simulated noise Signals injected with SNR=7, 10 Gaussian signals with σ = 1ms 2 kinds of supernovae signals (from Dimmelmeier-Font-Muller simulations) @ 8.5 kpc: A1B2G1,A2B4G1) Sine-Gaussian signals with Q = 5 and ν = 235 Hz or ν = 820 Hz Sine-Gaussian signals with Q = 15 and ν = 820 Hz Wiener filter (WF) +Band-Pass filters with Gaussian shape: The frequency range 0-2000 Hz is linearly divided into 9 bands (step = 200 Hz, Sigma=100 Hz). --> 10 different filters

12 Waveform families of burst sources used in this study: time domain

13 Waveform families of burst sources used in this study: frequency domain

14 SGQ15f820: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (163) at SNR=7 (frequency domain characteristic) Due to the noise! Not in the expected channel and they don’t change with the SNR of injected signals SNR=7: CR SNR=7: number of event detected from each channel cluster ordering number Event number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz

15 SGQ15f820: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (163) at SNR=10 (frequency domain characteristic) Due to the noise! Not in the expected channel and they don’t change with the SNR of injected signals N SNR=10: CR cluster ordering number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz SNR=10: number of event detected from each channel Event number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz

16 SGQ5f820: clusterin time coincidences with the injected signals (178) at SNR=7 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=7: CR cluster ordering number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz SNR=7: number of event detected from each channel Event number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz

17 SGQ5f820: cluster in time coincidences with the injected signals (178) at SNR=10 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=10: CR cluster ordering number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz SNR=10: number of event detected from each channel Event number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz

18 SGQ5f235: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (190) at SNR=7 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=7: CR cluster ordering number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz SNR=7: number of event detected from each channel Event number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz

19 SGQ5f235: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (190) at SNR=10 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=10: CR cluster ordering number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz SNR=10: number of event detected from each channel Event number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz

20 A1B2G1: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (165) at SNR=7 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=7: CR cluster ordering number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz SNR=7: number of event detected from each channel Event number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz

21 A1B2G1: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (165) at SNR=10 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=10: CR cluster ordering number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz SNR=10: number of event detected from each channel Event number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz

22 A2B4G1: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (170) at SNR=7 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=7: CR cluster ordering number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz SNR=7: number of event detected from each channel Event number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz

23 A2B4G1: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (170) at SNR=10 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=10: CR cluster ordering number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz SNR=10: number of event detected from each channel Event number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz

24 To see better the lower frequency region (A2B4G1 & GAUSS1ms) I’ve added another channel at 40 Hz

25 A2B4G1: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (170) at SNR=7 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=7: CR cluster ordering number 40 90 200 600 1000 0-2000 Hz SNR=7: number of event detected from each channel Event number 40 90 200 600 1000 0-2000 Hz

26 A2B4G1: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (170) at SNR=10 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=10: CR cluster ordering number SNR=10: number of event detected from each channel Event number 40 90 200 600 1000 0-2000 Hz

27 GAU1ms: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (178) at SNR=7 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=7: CR cluster ordering number 40 90 200 600 1000 0-2000 Hz SNR=7: number of event detected from each channel Event number 40 90 200 600 1000 0-2000 Hz

28 GAU1ms: clusters in time coincidences with the injected signals (178) at SNR=10 (frequency domain characteristic) SNR=10: CR cluster ordering number 40 90 200 600 1000 0-2000 Hz SNR=10: number of event detected from each channel Event number 40 90 200 600 1000 0-2000 Hz

29 Trigger due to the noise (no signal injection!) NOISE: CR cluster ordering number NOISE: number of event in each channel Event number 90 200 600 1000 1400 0-2000 Hz

30 SignalSNR Std(CR)bias [ms] Std(DT) [ms] Eff % SGQ15f820108.98 @(4.2) 1.0 @(0.46) -0.031 *35.6% 0.55100 76.42 (4.2) 0.94 (0.3) -0.06 *20.86% 0.8100 A1B2G1108.28 (4.2) 1.0 (0.4) -0.008 *43% 0.05100 75.92 (4.2) 0.9 (0.3) -0.0024 *32.5% 0.198.2 SGQ5f820108.3 (4.2) 1.0 (0.4) -0.008 *55% 0.26100 75.99 (4.2) 0.9 (0.3) 0.0 *34.3% 0.3997.8 * : percentage of CLUSTERS detected at the exact sample (DT=0.0) @: obtained over all CLUSTERS (due to the noise+ due to the signals)

31 SignalSNR Std(CR)bias [ms] Std(DT) [ms] Eff % SGQ5f235108.24 (4.2) 1.0 (0.4) 0.1 *24.21% 0.8100 99.4 75.99 (4.2) 1.0 (0.3) 0.006 *15.22% 1.296.84 A2B4G1106.4 7.47 (4.2) 0.9 (0.4) 0.8 1.0 0.96 0.28 100 74.86 5.36 (4.2) 0.64 0.8 (0.3) 0.85 1.0 1.5 0.9 78.8 97.05 GAUSS1ms108.9 (4.2) 1.0 (0.5) -0.007 *18% 0.11100 76.3 (4.2) 0.9 (0.3) -0.015 *11.3% 0.1799.4 *: percentage of CLUSTERS detected at the exact sample (DT=0.0) The red values are obtained adding the lower frequency channel at 40 Hz

32 Filters performances comparison

33 Efficiency vs False Alarm Rate SNR=7 (Comparison with Power filter (Red)) sgQ15f820 A1B2G1 GAU1ms A2B4G1

34 sgQ5f235 sgQ5f820 Signals injected with SNR=10 give efficiency=1 with FAR=10 -4 Efficiency vs False Alarm Rate SNR=7

35 Time error comparison std[ms] Std[ms] QTPFKWPCEGCMFALFAFDF A1B2G1 A2B4G1 GAUSS1 SG235Q5 SG820Q5 0.2 0.3-0.20.3 0.26 SG820Q15

36 Time error comparison bias [ms] bias[ms] QTPFKWPCEGCMFALFAFDF A1B2G1 - A2B4G1 - 1.0 GAUSS1 - SG235Q5 - 0.7 0.1 SG820Q5 -0.010.2 -0.010.1 -0.008 SG820Q15 -

37 WSR7 Preliminary Results seg.27 GPS time start=852852866 GPS time stop =852858889 Hardware Injections: (SNR=7.5,15,25) Injected signals N SGf1000Q5/Q15 34/34 SGf1300Q5/Q15 34/34 SGf1600Q5/Q15 34/33 = 271 inj. GAUSSIAN 34/34 A2B4G1 34/34

38 Pre HP filter with freq. cutoff at 80 Hz Power Spectra Estimation: tau=1800 s T=3.2768 s CR: ϑ =4.0 Wiener filter (WF) +Band-Pass filters with Gaussian shape: The frequency range 0-2000 Hz is linearly divided into 10 bands (step = 150 Hz, Sigma=100 Hz). --> 11 different filters

39 GAUSSIAN/A2B4G1: all signals detected 150 550 800 1150 1450 0-2000 Hz

40 SGf1000Q15/Q5: all signals detected 150 550 800 1150 1450 0-2000 Hz

41 SGf1300Q15/Q5: all signals detected 150 550 800 1150 1450 0-2000 Hz

42 SGf1600Q15/Q5: all events detected 150 550 800 1150 1450 0-2000 Hz

43 Signal Std(CR/SNR)Bias [ms] Std(DT) [ms] Eff % SGf1000Q150.990.11-0.670.38100 SGf1000Q50.970.11-0.540.22100 SGf1300Q151.150.11-0.890.41100 SGf1300Q50.90.10-0.70.39100 SGf1600Q151.220.10-0.50.38100 SGf1600Q50.90.12-0.540.38100 A2B4G10.70.1-2.30.8100 GAUSSIAN0.920.088-0.450.1100

44 CR: clusters in time coincidence with the injected signals all clusters-271 clusters in time coincidence with the injected signals =15.22 Std(CR)=7.27 =4.44 Std(CR)=0.61

45 4 BIG events not due to the injected signals (first injection time=852852651.45370)



48 Without 4 big events


50 Signal Dt=1/20000 [s] Std(CR/SNR)Bias [ms] Std(DT) [ms] Eff % SGf1000Q150.9960.116-0.560.31100 SGf1000Q50.970.11-0.570.15100 SGf1300Q151.150.11-0.970.32100 SGf1300Q50.90.10-0.620.15100 SGf1600Q151.220.10-0.550.15100 SGf1600Q50.90.12-0.540.17100 A2B4G10.70.1-2.30.8100 GAUSSIAN0.920.09-0.450.0065100

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