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Authority What are the limits? What can we reasonably expect from people?

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Presentation on theme: "Authority What are the limits? What can we reasonably expect from people?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Authority What are the limits? What can we reasonably expect from people?

2 Outcome 5.1 analyze ways in which societies exercise social control to achieve conformity Apply appropriate theories to the concept of conformity. Apply appropriate theories to the concept of conformity. Distinguish between formal and informal methods of social control. Distinguish between formal and informal methods of social control. Assess the effectiveness of various methods of social control. Assess the effectiveness of various methods of social control.

3 Review – From Milgram 1. Restate the theory in your own words. 2. How does this relate to “I was just following orders.”? 3. Is “I was just following orders.” a viable defense? 4. How did the experiment use informal social control? 5. How did the experiment use formal social control? 6. Why did people comply with the requests in the experiment? 7. Are there any ethical issues with this study? If so – what are they and why are they an issue? If not – why is this study acceptable? 8. Can you teach a child when to comply and when to question?

4 Zimbardo’s” Lucifer Effect If people are given uncontrolled authority they will assume power. If people are given uncontrolled authority they will assume power. If people are forced to bow to authority they will not question if they perceive the authority to be real. If people are forced to bow to authority they will not question if they perceive the authority to be real. Evil comes from power. Evil comes from power.

5 Zimbardo’s “Lucifer Effect” 1. Restate the theory in your own words. While watching The Stanford Prison Experiment Documentary (1 of 3)? - YouTube While watching The Stanford Prison Experiment Documentary (1 of 3)? - YouTubeThe Stanford Prison Experiment Documentary (1 of 3)? - YouTubeThe Stanford Prison Experiment Documentary (1 of 3)? - YouTube 2. How did the experiment use informal social control? 3. How did the experiment use formal social control? 4. Why did people comply with the requests in the experiment? 5. Why did the experiment end? 6. Are there any ethical issues with this study? If so – what are they and why are they an issue? If not – why is this study acceptable? 7. How does this relate to modern issues such as torture or institutionalization?

6 Comparison (Formative) – Zimbardo and Milgram ZimbardoMilgram Name of Theory: Description of Experiment: Ethically Acceptable? Lessons Learned:

7 Lucifer Effect - Reflection How are evil and power related? (Think morality and socialization.) How are evil and power related? (Think morality and socialization.) Zimbardo shows how most evil comes from hierarchy - YouTube Zimbardo shows how most evil comes from hierarchy - YouTube Zimbardo shows how most evil comes from hierarchy - YouTube Zimbardo shows how most evil comes from hierarchy - YouTube

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