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21.5.2015 Software Verification 1 Deductive Verification Prof. Dr. Holger Schlingloff Institut für Informatik der Humboldt Universität und Fraunhofer Institut.

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1 21.5.2015 Software Verification 1 Deductive Verification Prof. Dr. Holger Schlingloff Institut für Informatik der Humboldt Universität und Fraunhofer Institut für offene Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS

2 Folie 2 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Ein (bekanntes?) Szenario

3 Folie 3 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Questions on Quantifiers… How do you define equality in FOL? How do you define equality in SOL? What is a first-order signature? How can you denote a first-order model? What is a partial function?

4 Folie 4 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Presburger Arithmetic Given a signature (N, 0,´,+) of FOL =, define   n (  n´==0)   m  n (m´==n´  m==n)  p(0)   n(p(n)  p(n´))   n p(n) If the third axiom holds for all p, then this uniquely characterizes the natural numbers (“monomorphic”)   n (n+0==n)   m  n ((m+n)+1 == m+(n+1)) Second-order quantification This theory is decidable!

5 Folie 5 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Peano Arithmetic Given the signature (N, 0,´,+,*) and above axioms, plus   n (n*0==0)   m  n (m*n´ == (m*n)+m) This theory is undecidable

6 Folie 6 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Formalizing C in FOL Consider the following C program int gcd (int a, int b){ int c; while ( a != 0 ) { c = a; a = b%a; b = c; } return b; } Consider the following FOL formula  :  t:N (  a(t)==0  c(t+1)==a(t)  a(t+1)==b(t)%a(t)  b(t+1)=c(t)  a(t)==0  a(t+1)==a(t)  b(t+1)==b(t)  c(t+1)==c(t) ) In which way are these equivalent?

7 Folie 7 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Correctness From this formalization, we expect that  ⊨  t (a(t)==0 → b(t)==gcd(a(0),b(0))) (partial correctness)  ⊨  t (a(t)==0  b(t)==gcd(a(0),b(0))) (total correctness) Can we prove these statements with Z3? (try this at home)

8 Folie 8 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Programs Several programming paradigms  functional, imperative, object-oriented, … While-Programs  Syntax  Semantics - denotational: Scott Domains - operational: SOS - axiomatic: Dynamic logic  Calculus: Hoare calculus

9 Folie 9 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Syntax of while-Programs Given a (typed) signature  =( D, F, R ) and a (denumerable) set V of program variables.  (each program variable has a type)  ( T is the set of terms in the signature)  for simplicity, assume always R contains equality == A while-program is defined as follows whileProg ::= skip | V=T | {whileProg; whileProg} | if (FOL - ) whileProg else whileProg | while (FOL - ) whileProg where FOL - is a quantifier-free first-order formula over ( , V )

10 Folie 10 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Examples  =({int}, {0,%}, {==}), V =(a, b, c)   1 = while (  a==0) {{c = a; a = b%a}; b = c}   2 = if (0==(a%0)%a) skip else {skip;skip}  =({int}, {0,1,48,+,-,**}, {<,isprim}), V =(n,k)   3 = if (isprim(n)) n=k   Mersenne = {n=0; k=0; while (k<49) {n++; if (isprim((2**n)-1)) k++}} Note: in C, “skip” and “else skip” is omitted, and n++ denotes n=n+1

11 Folie 11 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I An Alternative Syntax function gcd( x : Z, y : Z ) : Z var a : Z b : Z c : Z begin c := 1 while a != 0 do begin c := a a := b / a b := c end gcd := c end

12 Folie 12 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Semantics What is the “meaning” of such a program?  e.g.,  3 = if (isprim(n)) k=n need a first-order model M: (U,I,V) for ( , V )  e.g., U=({zero,one,two,three,...}), I(0)=zero, I(1)=one,..., I(isprim)={two, three, five,...}, V(n)=two, V(k)=zero Program modifies states (valuations)  V’(n)=two, V’(k)=two semantics = function from initial to final valuations?  [[  3 ]] = {(two,zero)  (two,two), (one,two)  (one,two),..., (two,three)  (two,two), (one,three)  (one,three),...}

13 Folie 13 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Nonterminating Programs What is the meaning of the following?  e.g.,  5 = if (isprim(n)) while(n==n) skip;   5 : zero  zero, one  one, two  ? Theory of Scott-Domains  extend every domain with an element # “undefined”  intuitively, # denotes nontermination  1 <  2 if  2 is “more defined” than  1   5 9  isprim(n)) while(n==n) skip;

14 Folie 14 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Denotational Semantics Given a universe U # =U  {#} and interpretation I for  =( D, F, R ), the semantics of a program is a function mapping a program variable valuation into a program variable valuation:  [[  ]]: V  V  [[skip]]=Id, where  x(Id(x)==x)) (identity function)  [[v=t]]=Upd(v,t), where Upd(v,t)(V)(v)=t M and Upd(v,t)(V)(w)=w M

15 Folie 15 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Denotational Semantics  [[{  1 ;  2 }]]=  2 (  1 ) (function application)  [[if (b)  1 else  2 ]](V)=#, if b contains any v s.t. V(v)=#, [[if (b)  1 else  2 ]](V)=  1, if (U #,I,V) ⊨ b [[if (b)  1 else  2 ]](V)=  2, if (U #,I,V) ⊭ b  Define {while (b)  } k as follows: - {while (b)  } 0 =skip - {while (b)  } k+1 ={if (b)  ; {while(b)  } k }  [[while(b)  ]]=[[{while(b)  } k ]], where k is the smallest number for which (U #,I, [[{while(b)  } k ]](V)) ⊭ b (or else, [[while(b)  ]](V)=#)

16 Folie 16 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Examples [[if (isprim(n)) k=n]](n=x, k=y) = (x, y+(x-y)*|isprim(x)|) [[(while (a!=0) {c = a; a = b%a; b = c}]](x,y,z) = (0, gcd(x,y), gcd(x,y))

17 Folie 17 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Structured Operational Semantics Denotational semantics can be made mathematically sound, but is not “intuitive” Operations of a “real” machine?  transitions from valuation to valuation  program counter is increased with the program Abstract representation:  state=(program, valuation) - program means the part which is still to be executed  transition=(state1, state2) “Meaning” of a program is a (possibly infinite) set of such transitions

18 Folie 18 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I SOS-Rules (v=t, V)  (skip, V[v:=t]); ({skip;  },V)  ( ,V) if (  1, V 1 )  (  2,V 2 ), then ({  1 ;  }, V 1 )  ({  2 ;  },V 2 ) if (U,I,V) ⊨ b, then (if (b)  1 else  2, V)  (  1,V) if (U,I,V) ⊭ b, then (if (b)  1 else  2, V)  (  2,V) (while (b) , V)  ({if (b) {  ; while (b)  }}, V)

19 Folie 19 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Structured Operational Semantics Denotational semantics can be made mathematically sound, but is not “intuitive” Operations of a “real” machine?  transitions from valuation to valuation  program counter is increased with the program Abstract representation:  state=(program, valuation) - program means the part which is still to be executed  transition=(state1, state2) “Meaning” of a program is a (possibly infinite) set of such transitions

20 Folie 20 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I SOS-Rules (v=t, V)  (skip, V[v:=t]); ({skip;  },V)  ( ,V) if (  1, V 1 )  (  2,V 2 ), then ({  1 ;  }, V 1 )  ({  2 ;  },V 2 ) if (U,I,V) ⊨ b, then (if (b)  1 else  2, V)  (  1,V) if (U,I,V) ⊭ b, then (if (b)  1 else  2, V)  (  2,V) (while (b) , V)  (if (b) {  ; while (b)  }}, V) these are so-called “small-step rules”; “big-step rule”: if (  1, V 1 )  (  2,V 2 ), and (  2, V 2 )  (  3,V 3 ), then ({  1 ;  2 }, V 1 )  (  3, V 3 ) derivable?

21 Folie 21 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I SOS-Example (while (a!=0) {c = a; a = b%a; b = c},(a=20, b=12, c=0)) ...

22 Folie 22 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I About operational semantics For every (  1, V 1 ), there is exactly one sequence (  1, V 1 )  (  2, V 2 )  (  3, V 3 ) ... allows to “symbolically execute” a program does not allow to show properties  e.g. “program calculates gcd”  e.g. “program terminates” Hoare-Tripel: {  }  {  } meaning: if  holds before the execution of , then  holds afterwards  and  are first-order formulas (possibly with quantification; logical variables vs. program variables)

23 Folie 23 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Hoare calculus ⊢ {  [v:=t]} v=t {  } (ass) ⊢ {  } skip {  } (usually omitted) if ⊢ {  }  1 {  } and ⊢ {  }  2 {  }, then {  } {  1 ;  2 }{  } (seq) if ⊢ {   b}  1 {  } and ⊢ {   ¬b }  2 {  }, then ⊢ {  } if (b)  1 else  2 {  } (ite) if ⊢ {   b}  {  }, then ⊢ {  } while (b)  {   ¬b } (whi) If ⊢ (  ’   ) and ⊢ {  }  {  }, then ⊢ {  ’}  {  } (imp1) If ⊢ {  }  {  } and ⊢ (    ’), then ⊢ {  }  {  ’} (imp2) the semantics (meaning) of a program  is the set of all derivable Hoare-tripels {  }  {  }

24 Folie 24 H. Schlingloff, Software-Verifikation I Examples {x==17} x++ {x==18} {x==17} y=x+1 {y==18} {x==17} {x++; y=x+1} {y==19} {a==m  b==n} if (a<=b) c = a else c = b {c==min(m,n)} {a==m>0  b==n>0} while (a!=0) {c = a; a = b%a; b = c} {b==gcd(m,n)}

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