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Research Session 3: Case studies in Living Lab application domains The 4 th ENoLL Living Lab Summer School 27 th -30 August 2013 Manchester School of Arts.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Session 3: Case studies in Living Lab application domains The 4 th ENoLL Living Lab Summer School 27 th -30 August 2013 Manchester School of Arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Session 3: Case studies in Living Lab application domains The 4 th ENoLL Living Lab Summer School 27 th -30 August 2013 Manchester School of Arts A New User-centric Approach to Impact Assessment. Case Express to Connect -project Anne Äyväri Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland

2 2 E2C project The overall objective to develop, test, and deploy digital storytelling games. These games stimulate and facilitate social connectedness among older adults, thus prevent loneliness. EU AAL JP, 1.3.2010—28.2.2013 2


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8 8 How to evaluate the long-term impacts of the new service on an individual’s life – during the service development process?

9 A new approach to impact assessment was needed. 9

10 Desired outcomes based on the ethnographic studies The Impact Assessment on the Individual Level 10 Identifying the questions linked with the desired outcomes in the well-known measures of quality of life and social connectedness New questionnaire for the E2C concept testing = evaluation criteria based on the desired outcomes

11 Let’s imagine the impacts! Question: Let’s assume that you have utilised the service for some years. Please, assess if the usage of the service has had any impact on your life and your wellbeing. Be free to use your imagination! Scale: 1.YES, the usage of the service has had some impact in this respect. 2.The usage of the service has had NO impact in this respect. 3.Don’t know. 11

12  It is easier for me to keep in contact with my close ones when I feel like it.  I’m less worried how my nearest next-of-kin (children, grandchildren) are doing, and they are less worried how I am doing.  The feeling of closeness between family members has grown stronger. 12 Ties between family –> to be close and have space; examples of new items

13 Feedback to designers: does the usage of the new service enhance chances of reaching the desired outcomes? 13

14 Anticipated long-term impacts, 2011, % of Yes, TOP 5 (N=16) 14

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17 17 How to convert the anticipated impacts on social connectedness into monetary terms?

18 Kauko Trudie Kirsten ”The Family Amateur” ”The Globetrotter” ”The Professional Human Being” 18 Portraits

19 Scenarios: what will happen within a year? … when the risks of falling into loneliness come true effects on the physiological, psychological, and social wellbeing …when Storyville gaming works as a trigger for strengthening connectedness effects on the physiological, psychological, and social wellbeing 19

20 Next: Identify the chain of effects 20 Feels himself appreciated Opens up, starts to talk more Feels himself needed The quality of his life is improving His relationship with his wife becomes better. Becomes more active Goes out more often (mobility increases) Takes better care of himself The risk of depression disappears Pain in his back eases Becomes active in societal issues, politics Costs related to depression and pain in his back decrease He talks to his wife more. His wife feels herself needed. The risk for divorce becomes smaller. The risk of his wife becoming depressed decreases. Joint interests with children and grandchildren, something to share Grandparents take care of grandchildren Children (busy with their jobs) feel less stressed. Beneficial impacts for family members, close ones Beneficial impacts for Kauko

21 Kauko, Scenario A. Loneliness effects Kauko's health (Danish experts) Problems with his back and pain Physician Physiotherapist Medical practice minimum 2 times a year Side effects Slipped diskRehabilitation Special Physician

22 And then: put the price tag on the effects on the life of one person 22

23 Kauko (FI): Savings during the 1. year 23 Costs for society Costs for the individual/ family Visiting a doctor at the local health centre twice a year. 142 €/ visit -> 284 € 13,80 €/visit -> 27,60 € Doctor refers to a physiotherapist. Five visits a year. 70 €/visit -> 350 € 7,50 €/visit -> 37,50 € Medication: Extended use of pain killers: 352 tablets in a year. Stomach-protective drug (needed for painkillers): 352 tablets in a year - 17,60 € 84 €* 42 €** Wife’s consultation to couple’s therapist.-100 € TOTAL651,60 €291 € * Panadol 500mg, Burana 800mg, University Pharmacy ** Somac 40 mg, University Pharmacy

24 Kauko (FI): Costs related to gaming during the 1. year 24 Costs for society Costs for the individual/ family iPad500 € Refreshments -Grandchildren’s visits -Football matches100 € Tickets and travelling expenses100 € TOTAL700 €

25 Trudie (DK): savings during the 1. year 25 Costs for society Costs for the individual/ family A 3 day stay at hospital due to high blood sugar to adjust the level of medicine (nutrition therapist’s consultation and lab tests included) 2.950 €Transportation costs How to cope with diabetes -course at the local healthcare centre 147 €Transportation costs Medicine (when the costs exceed 490 €, society covers the rest of the costs) 314 €490 € Multiple dose injection (MDI) therapy (follow up, care devices, insulin), further training on self care activities 3.400 €Transportation costs Psychotherapy 10 times/year-10 x 107 = 1.070 € + transportation costs TOTAL 6.811 €1.560 € + transport

26 Trudie (DK) - Costs related to playing during the 1. year 26 Costs for society Costs for the individual/ family iPad375 € Refreshments for the next door neighbours during the gaming sessions 150 € 525 €


28 How to scale up? 28

29 29 Thank you for inspiring us to reach for new user- centric approaches to impact assessment!

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