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Welcome guests dar la bienvenida a.   Put your bubbles into paragraphs  Add the details  Check the details  Did you add proof? Construction of Short.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome guests dar la bienvenida a.   Put your bubbles into paragraphs  Add the details  Check the details  Did you add proof? Construction of Short."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome guests dar la bienvenida a

2   Put your bubbles into paragraphs  Add the details  Check the details  Did you add proof? Construction of Short Answer Questions

3  30 SECOND WRITE: Look at your Divergent Book. Demonstrate each of these retelling skills.

4  Station Work Station Work Analogy and Limerick

5  Analogy Wheel is to ________________ as Tire is to car Land is to dirt as Ocean is to ______________.  Limerick: A B A

6  Reading Strategies

7  Who plays football? Reading Strategies to help you comprehend what you’re reading. 1. Highlight and read the title, subtitle, words you do not know and any captions under any pictures. 2. Read the passage through once. 3. What is it about? 4. Read the passage again, and go “in zone to in zone” after each paragraph. Tell me what it said. 5. Combine small paragraphs together into a summary. In Zone to In Zone

8   6. Write a note next to the paragraph about what it means and anything else you notice.  7. Highlight words you don’t know—look them up and write a synonym next to the word.  8. Highlight the question and circle any key words. Look up words you don’t recognize.  9. Eliminate two wrong answers.  10. Chose the answer that works the best. In Zone to In Zone


10   rnalist) rnalist) Samuel Bowles (journalist)

11  “Politeness is deception in pretty packaging.” ― Veronica Roth, DivergentVeronica Roth Divergent

12   Read and summarize  Due:  Tuesday 25 pts  Wednesday 25 pts  Thursday25 pts  Friday25 pts Newspaper

13  A typical newspaper article contains five (5) parts:  Headline: This is a short, attention-getting statement about the event.  Byline: This tells who wrote the story.  Lead paragraph: This has ALL of the who, what, when, where, why and how in it. A writer must find the answers to these questions and write them into the opening sentence(s) of the article.  Explanation: After the lead paragraph has been written, the writer must decide what other facts or details the reader might want to know. The writer must make sure that he/she has enough information to answer any important questions a reader might have after reading the headline and the lead paragraph. This section can also include direct quotes from witnesses or bystanders.  Additional Information: This information is the least important. Thus, if the news article is too long for the space it needs to fill, it can be shortened without rewriting any other part. This part can include information about a similar event. Newspaper Article Format

14  30 SECOND WRITE: Look at your Divergent Book. Demonstrate each of these retelling skills.

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