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R01942068 賴威昇 2012.10.26. 1. Introduction 2. Why using LaTeX ? 3. LaTeX usage: ◦ Backbone ◦ Equation ◦ Figure ◦ Table ◦ BibTex 4. Compile 5. Conclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "R01942068 賴威昇 2012.10.26. 1. Introduction 2. Why using LaTeX ? 3. LaTeX usage: ◦ Backbone ◦ Equation ◦ Figure ◦ Table ◦ BibTex 4. Compile 5. Conclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 R01942068 賴威昇 2012.10.26

2 1. Introduction 2. Why using LaTeX ? 3. LaTeX usage: ◦ Backbone ◦ Equation ◦ Figure ◦ Table ◦ BibTex 4. Compile 5. Conclusion 2

3  Donald E. Knuth 3

4  Typesetting System  Produce high-quality papers, books ◦ *.tex → *.pdf  Make typesetting like coding  More: ◦ LaTeX ◦ XeLaTeX ◦ MikTeX 4

5  Elegant mathematical formula  Easier to write paper !! ◦ Most conferences have LaTeX template.  Don’t worry about: ◦ Text format, font type, size ◦ Line spacing problem when writing equation ◦ Picture and table location ◦ Equation, figure, citation number ◦ Citation format - Bibtex 5

6 \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} \usepackage{…} … \set… \title{…} \author{ author1 information \\ author2 information \\ } 6

7 \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} … \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} … \section{…} \subsection{…} \subsubsection{…} \end{document} 7

8 \begin{equation} \label{eq_P} P = b_1 \cdot P_1 + b_2 \cdot P_2 \end{equation} The function \eqref{eq_P} … 8

9 \begin{figure}[t] \centering \includegraphics[width=…]{….jpg} \caption{…} \label{fig:…} \end{figure} 9

10 \begin{table}[t] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c||c||c|} \hline A1&A2&A3\\ \hline\hline B1&B2&B3\\ C1&C2&C3\\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{An Example of a Table} \label{table_example} \end{figure} 10

11 \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} \bibliography{IEEEreference}  IEEEreference.bib  Download Citation: 11

12 @inproceedings{paper_A, author = {Bruce D. Lucas and Takeo Kanade}, title = {Optical … booktitle = {IJCAI}, year = {1985}, pages = {981-984} }  Lucas et al. proposed … \cite{paper_A} 12

13  In cmd or terminal: $ xelatex –interaction=nonstopmode ieee.tex  If including BibTex: $ xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode ieee $ bibtex ieee $ xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode ieee  Texmaker 13

14  Good for writing papers !  More beautiful than MS Word !  Poor Chinese support  Difficult to getting start  Too many setting if writing general report 14

15 15

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