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The Lake Baikal.. МБОУ Побединская СОШ Студеникина С.Ф.

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Presentation on theme: "The Lake Baikal.. МБОУ Побединская СОШ Студеникина С.Ф."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lake Baikal.

2 МБОУ Побединская СОШ Студеникина С.Ф.

3 FACTS: 23 national parks, Valday (17.05.1990 ; Novgorodskaya region ; animals : bears, wolves, foxes, otters ; lakes : Valday Seliger), Losiny ostrov (1983 ; north east of Moscow ; 48 kinds of animals : deer, foxes ; 200 kinds of birds)

4 84 nature reserves, * Barguzinsky (the first onе; 29.12.1916; Lake Baikal; sable,2480 square km)

5 Baikal, Eastern Siberia, Irkutsk region and the border of the Republic of Buryatia. Fish: trout(форель), lenok, a Baikal sturgeon(осетр) and others. Animals: caribou, ibex, black-capped marmot. (Карибу, горные козлы, Черношапочный сурок.) birds: waders, duck, Partridge, capercaillie.(кулики, кряквы, куропатки, глухари)

6 The Baikal attracts tourists from all over the world. Each year, the Baikal is visited by 70-80 thousand tourists

7 Thank you for your attention.

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