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Plugging In the Language Experience Approach

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1 Plugging In the Language Experience Approach
MRA 2014 Presentation Dr. Virginia Daniels Fraser Public Schools/Oakland University


3 What is the Language Experience Approach, LEA?
Developed in 1960’s at approximately the same time by Russel Stauffer in Delaware and Roach Van Allen in California. A method of teaching reading that uses a student’s own words to create the text A strategy that uses words the student already knows A powerful instructional strategy that provides students with success in learning to read A process that includes discussion and dictation, reading and follow up activities A strategy to teach all types of emergent literacy skills An instructional strategy that works with all ages

4 Basic Thinking Behind The LEA
What I can think about, I can talk about. What I can say, can be written. What can be written, I can read. I can read what other people can write for Me … and soon… I will be able to read what I myself can write down (Lee & Allen, 1963).

5 Basic Ideas The LEA allows the student to move from reading words in stories that are familiar and known to reading words in stories that are new. We must maintain the integrity of the student’s spoken language. At first the student is memorizing the text.

6 First read by teacher.

7 What happens when we don’t honor the student’s language.

8 Dictation Process The student dictates a story after some discussion.
The story can come for their own experiences or even a picture. The teacher records the student’s exact words as they are spoken.

9 Reading Procedure for the LEA
Teacher reads the story while pointing to the text. Student and Teacher read the story while pointing to text. Student reads the story while pointing to text.

10 Modifying this process if errors occur.
Additional steps are added to the process Repeat each step twice Modify who does the pointing at each step Reread one sentence at a time.

11 Activity after the reading step in the LEA

12 Questions to ask after the reading process.
Can you find __________? ( a specific word) Can you find a word that starts with ____? (a specific sound) You have a word that starts with ____. Find that word. Find the word ______ and read the sentence it is in. What is your favorite word? Find it in you story. You have 3 words with the ending “ing” find them. You have 2 words that end with the /s/ sound, find them.

13 Full Video

14 Word Bank Activities Word sorts Making sentences Memory Game
Matching words to stories Alphabetize the words Categorize Find the words in print

15 Shared Reading Any activities used in shared reading can be used with a student’s LEA stories.

16 What type of Apps or Software do we need?
Word Processing Notes Padlet Story Bird Book Creator Dragon Dictation Word Banks Lino Sticky Notes Stickies Pnotes

17 Padlet

18 All of my Padlets

19 Chloe’s Padlet

20 Dragon Dictation

21 Small stickies

22 Stickies

23 Chloe’s Canvases

24 Lino

25 Simple Word Sort

26 Chloe reading her new LEA.

27 How was this video produced?
Notes App on Ipad was used Facetime was used to have the LEA experience

28 What are the implications of this experience?

29 How can we provide more opportunities for children to participate in the LEA experience?

30 What questions do you have?
Q & A What questions do you have?

31 Thank you for attending.
SCECH Session Code SURD68

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