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Temas: *Counting with my pets *Counting with the farm animals *Counting with the wild animals *Painting my world *Everybody is moving Temario de ingles.

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Presentation on theme: "Temas: *Counting with my pets *Counting with the farm animals *Counting with the wild animals *Painting my world *Everybody is moving Temario de ingles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temas: *Counting with my pets *Counting with the farm animals *Counting with the wild animals *Painting my world *Everybody is moving Temario de ingles 3 añitos Actitudes: *Presentación de cuaderno *Orden y limpieza en las tareas *Participación en el aula *Comportamiento III BIMESTRE Temas: *Counting and painting *Counting with my pets *Counting with the farm animals *Counting with the wild animals *Everybody people is moving Temario de ingles 4 añitos

2 Temas: *Counting with my pets *Counting with the farm animals *Counting with the wild animals *Painting my world *All the people is moving Temario de ingles 5 añitos «A» Temario de ingles 5 añitos «b»

3 Temas: *My things *Looking for my things *My own things *My clothes Temas: *My toys *Playing with my toys *Where’s my toy? *My favorite food Temario de ingles 1º de primaria Temario de ingles 2º de primaria

4 Temas: *My day *My schedule *Looking at the people *Looking at the past Temario de ingles 3º de primaria Temario de ingles 4º de primaria Temas: *Asking for the time I *Asking for the time II *It’s time to play * My clothes *wearing different clothes


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