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A Changing World 1400-1625  What events and technological advances paved the way for European exploration?  What were the reasons for exploration?

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2 A Changing World 1400-1625

3  What events and technological advances paved the way for European exploration?  What were the reasons for exploration?  What was the lasting impact from European exploration? Essential Questions

4  Christians launched the crusades to regain control of their holy sites from the Muslims (Israel 1095) The Crusades

5  The Crusades brought western Europeans into contact with the Middle East.  Europeans bought silk, spices, and other goods

6 Renaissance - A period of intellectual and artistic creativity (re-birth)  People are excited about new possibilities  Sparked new innovation and discovery (interest in science, art, and philosophy The Renaissance 1400-1600’s

7  printing press  compass, astrolabe, better maps, & better ships Technology of the Renaissance

8  1400 ’ s Portuguese developed the three-masted caravel  Caravel was faster and carried more cargo  All this leads to powerful nations wanting to explore Better Ships

9 Columbus

10 Columbus Profile: Sailed for Spain -Wanted to discover a water passage to the east to find gold, silver, and valuable products -Wanted to claim new lands for Spain and spread religion - He claims land for Spain and takes a few captured Indians back to Spain -Later Indians would die from diseases : no immunity

11  What were the Crusades?  What was the Renaissance?  How did the Crusades and the Renaissance spark an age of exploration?  What were some new inventions developed during the Renaissance? Recall


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