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ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Mr. Tognoni Del Webb MS. THIS PRESENTATION WILL COVER: 1.Endocrine System Basics 2.Label Endocrine System 3.Pituitary 4.Pineal Body 5.Hypothalamus.

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Presentation on theme: "ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Mr. Tognoni Del Webb MS. THIS PRESENTATION WILL COVER: 1.Endocrine System Basics 2.Label Endocrine System 3.Pituitary 4.Pineal Body 5.Hypothalamus."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Mr. Tognoni Del Webb MS

2 THIS PRESENTATION WILL COVER: 1.Endocrine System Basics 2.Label Endocrine System 3.Pituitary 4.Pineal Body 5.Hypothalamus 6.Thyroid 7.Parathyroid 8.Thymus 9.Adrenals 10.Pancreas 11.Testes and Ovaries

3 PART 1: Endocrine System Basics

4 The Endocrine System consists of all the glands in the body which produce hormones

5 Do you recognize any of these glands? Do you know what any of these glands do?

6 Hormones are powerful chemicals your body makes which regulate various body functions

7 Hormones are so powerful that a SMALL hormone level change can result in a BIG medical problem

8 Hormones do what? Regulate body growth Regulate metabolism Give body emergency energy Regulate Blood Sugar Bring on secondary sexual characteristics All sorts of important tasks!

9 Endocrine glands are located in the head, neck, and trunk

10 Endocrine glands all secrete their hormones directly into the bloodstream

11 Hormones are instantly in your bloodstream when you need them

12 The Endocrine System is very interesting, very unique, and very confusing. Let’s label the glands of the Endocrine System and then learn a little about each

13 PART 2: Label Endocrine System


15 Let’s look at each of these glands and see what hormones they produce

16 PART 3: The Pituitary Gland

17 3. Pituitary Gland Located at the base of the brain Probably the most important Endocrine gland

18 3. Pituitary Gland: Makes Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Has a major influence over most of the other endocrine glands

19 3. Pituitary Gland: In other words, problems with the Pituitary could cause other Endocrine glands, like the Ovaries, Thyroid, or Adrenals to not work correctly

20 3. Pituitary Gland: Growth hormone is responsible for your body reaching its proper height, size, and shape

21 3. Pituitary Gland: Too much growth hormone can result in Giantism Too little growth hormone can result in Dwarfism

22 PART 4: Pineal Body

23 4. Pineal Gland: Located deep in the brain Affects wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Produces melatonin

24 4. Pineal Gland: A problem with this gland might result in sleep problems Are you a “morning person” or a “night person?”

25 4. Pineal Gland: Some people will take melatonin pills to help them sleep

26 PART 5: The Hypothalamus

27 5. Hypothalamus: Located above the Pituitary in the brain Affects body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, and sleep.

28 5. Hypothalamus: Links the nervous system to the endocrine system with the pituitary gland

29 5. Hypothalamus: Pituitary Since the Hypothalamus works so closely with the Pituitary, a problem here could affect several other Endocrine glands… (in addition to body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, and sleep)

30 PART 6: Thymus Gland

31 6. Thymus Gland: Located in the upper chest Helps the body fight infections

32 6. Thymus Gland: Largest and most active during early childhood, before puberty Begins to shrink (atrophy) during adolescence

33 PART 7: The Thyroid Gland

34 7. Thyroid Gland: Located in the neck below the larynx and in front of the trachea (windpipe)

35 7. Thyroid Gland: Regulates the rate of metabolism Controls how quickly the body uses energy, makes proteins, and controls how sensitive the body should be to other hormones.

36 Metabolism Examples: Slow Metabolism Normal Metabolism Fast Metabolism

37 7. Thyroid Gland: An over-active thyroid results in: – Jitteriness, shaking, increased nervousness, irritability – Rapid heart beat or palpitations – Feeling hot – Weight loss – Fatigue, feeling exhausted – More frequent bowel movements – Shorter or lighter menstrual periods

38 7. Thyroid Gland: An under-active thyroid results in: – Fatigue or lack of energy – Weight gain – Feeling cold – Dry skin and hair – Heavy menstrual periods – Constipation – Slowed thinking

39 7. Thyroid Gland: Iodine is essential in the diet to keep the thyroid healthy Iodine is added to table salt for this reason

40 PART 8: The Parathyroid Glands

41 8. Parathyroids: Located within the Thyroid Gland

42 8. Parathyroids: Control the amount of calcium in the blood and within the bones

43 PART 9: Adrenal Glands

44 9. Adrenal Glands: Located on top of the kidneys Produce: – Adrenalin – Cortisone

45 9. Adrenal Glands: Adrenalin is the body’s emergency “Fight-or-Flight” hormone

46 9. Adrenal Glands: Cortisone helps body to heal, reduce swelling

47 PART 10: The Pancreas (Islands of Langerhans)

48 10. Pancreas: Island of Langerhans inside the pancreas produce insulin Insulin is needed for the body’s cells to use blood sugar

49 10. Pancreas: Diabetes: High blood sugar, not enough insulin Diabetes is the 7 th Leading Cause of death in the US

50 Diabetes is the 7th Leading Cause of Death in the US LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH: 1) Heart Disease approx 600,000 deaths 2) Cancer 575,000 3) Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (Lungs) 138,000 4) Stroke 130,000 5) Accidents 118,000 6) Alzheimer's Disease 83,000 7) Diabetes 69,000 8) Kidney Disease 51,000 9) Influenza and Pneumonia 50,000 10) Suicide 38,000

51 PART 11: Testes and Ovaries

52 11. Testes and Ovaries: The Gonads are the Testes in males and the Ovaries in females

53 11. Testes: In Males Produce hormone Testosterone Responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in males

54 11. Testes: Secondary sexual characteristics in males: – Facial and Underarm Hair – Change in voice – Growth of pubic hair – Body Growth – Growth of reproductive organs – Coarser, rougher skin – Acne

55 11. Ovaries: In Females Estrogen: secondary sexual characteristics in females Progesterone: Menstrual cycle

56 11. Ovaries: Secondary sexual characteristics in females: – Pubic hair – Breast development – Hips get broader – Softer, smoother skin – Onset of menstruation – Higher voice

57 Thanks for taking notes and listening

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