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“Few human emotions are as distressing and painful as the feelings of guilt and personal disapproval. When at a peak of intensity, self-condemnation gnaws.

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Presentation on theme: "“Few human emotions are as distressing and painful as the feelings of guilt and personal disapproval. When at a peak of intensity, self-condemnation gnaws."— Presentation transcript:


2 “Few human emotions are as distressing and painful as the feelings of guilt and personal disapproval. When at a peak of intensity, self-condemnation gnaws on the conscious mind by day and invades dreams by night.” Dr. James Dobson UNDERSTANDING GUILT

3 What is guilt? An emotion: A feeling of shame, an inner pain of self-reproach Genesis 3:7-8 An instrument of the conscience: A moral warehouse and mechanism approving or accusing in order to influence behavior Feelings of remorse or regret are by-products based on principles in the mind

4 What is guilt? An emotion An instrument of the conscience An aid to keep us from sin and to bring us back from sin: Godly sorrow involves feelings of guilt (2 Corinthians 7:8-11) God designed to lead to repentance.

5 Properly educate your conscience. Must be trained in righteousness to prick us at the right time in the right way. Spirit’s sword convicts of sin (John 16:7-8) John 1:17; 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16 Beware! Increasing numbers of bad sources confuse, mislead and deceive.

6 Take responsibility for your actions. Many go to great lengths to avoid, ignore or cover-up feeling guilty. Many blame others like Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:12, 13). Worldly cover-up’s cause spiritual and moral callouses (Ephesians 4:17-19; 1 Timothy 4:1-2).

7 Take responsibility for your actions. What is sown is what is reaped (Galatians 6:7). Being honest to yourself about wrongdoing is essential. Shifting blame is unacceptable. “I have sinned against the LORD.” (2 Samuel 12:13)


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