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HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 Lab1: LED Control ZigbeX mote has Red, Yellow, Green LED. This lab using LED control component provided by TinyOS.

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Presentation on theme: "HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 Lab1: LED Control ZigbeX mote has Red, Yellow, Green LED. This lab using LED control component provided by TinyOS."— Presentation transcript:

1 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 Lab1: LED Control ZigbeX mote has Red, Yellow, Green LED. This lab using LED control component provided by TinyOS exercises LED device control.

2 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 2 ZigbeX LED

3 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 3 LED in ZigbeX Use of LED –In order to check whether certain device’s operation is performed successfully or not. LedsC Component –LedsC is component to control the LED device.

4 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 4 Leds functions functions Initialization result_t Leds.init() – 3 LED lamp is initialized. Red LED result_t Leds.redOn() - Red LED On. result_t Leds.redOff() - Red LED OFF. result_t Leds.redToggle() - Red LED toggling Green LED result_t Leds.greenOn() - Green LED On. result_t Leds.greenOff() - Green LED OFF. result_t Leds.greenToggle() - Green LED toggling. Yellow LED result_t Leds.yellowOn() - Yellow LED On. result_t Leds.yellowOff() - Yellow LED OFF. result_t Leds.yellowToggle() - Yellow LED toggling.

5 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 5 LED sample progam

6 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 6 Blink program –An instant component named “Blink”. For configuration and module, two files & are required. – is for configuration which uses many other components used in Blink program – is a implemented module for Blink program. Directory of Blink program –c:\Programfiles\UCB\cygwin\opt\tinyos ‐ 1.x\contrib\zigbex\Blink\ – &

7 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 7 –Main, LedSc, BlinkM are used and shows how they are wired. configuration Blink { } implementation { components Main, BlinkM, LedsC; Main.StdControl ‐ > BlinkM.StdControl; BlinkM.Leds ‐ > LedsC; }

8 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 8 (1) module BlinkM { provides { interface StdControl; } uses { interface Leds; } implementation { task void led_task(); command result_t StdControl.init() { call Leds.init(); return SUCCESS; } - declared by “provide” interface and “uses” interface - In implementation block is for user programming - task (function w/o parameter) : declaration - StdControl init(), start(), stop() sequence. - StdControl.init() calls Leds.init() to initialize LedsC.

9 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 9 (2) command result_t StdControl.start() { post led_task(); return SUCCESS; } command result_t StdControl.stop() { return SUCCESS; } task void led_task() { int i; for(i=0; i<10; i++) { call Leds.yellowOn(); TOSH_uwait(30000); call Leds.greenToggle(); } -After StdControl.init(), StdControl.start() is executed automatically - In StdControl.start(), defined by “task” led_task() is called by “post” header. - No specific implemetation in StdControl.stop(). - Here your algorithm to control LED

10 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 10 LED Lab Item: host PC(labtop), 1 mote, ISP(AVR), cable

11 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 11 LED lab -1 Start cygwin Goto target directory Compile - make zigbex cd /opt/tinyos ‐ 1.x/contrib/zigbex cd Blink

12 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 12 LED lab -2 Download binary code to ZigbeX using ISP tool –After compile, folder, build/zigbex is created and main.hex is the binary. –Run AVR studio

13 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 Lab -3 Run AVR Studio4 Select ‘cancel’

14 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 Lab -4 Select –Tool  Program AVR  Auto Connect

15 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 Lab -5 Find ‘main.hex’ file

16 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 Lab - 6 Select ‘Program’

17 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 Lab - 5 Check the message and graph

18 HANBACK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 저자권 보호됨 2016-02-21 18 LED lab result Output –Yellow LED is con, every 30ms Green LED is toggling –Please change source code to test RED.

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