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2.4 Capabilities of Software

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1 2.4 Capabilities of Software
Describe the desirable features of applications: Portability Upgrade paths Reliability Understand the criteria for selecting an application Know how to evaluate software

2 Portability Why is there a need for portability of data?
Users of different hardware, operating systems, applications, or even different versions of the same application may need to share data This is especially important in a networked environment For example, students in the first school at which I taught used Windows PCs, Acorn RISC-PCs and Network Computers (NCs) all on the same network

3 Portability What are the barriers to the portability of data?
Too many competing file formats – e.g. for an image you have bmp, GIF, jpeg, PNG, etc. Manufacturers protecting their market share – Lotus doesn’t want you to open files in Excel Manufacturers deviating from (or “extending”) standards, e.g. Microsoft with HTML and Java Differences between operating systems – e.g. fonts, UI standards, peripheral support, etc.

4 Portability What can we do to improve portability?
Introduce standards – e.g. the new open document standard for word processors Use filters to convert between file formats – e.g. you can use filters to open Works files in Word Use more portable formats such as .csv or RTF – although you will sometimes lose formatting or features You can copy and paste data between applications (but only on the same machine)

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