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Our friend the comma! Our friend the comma is a jack of all trades. He has different purposes and in different places. In this slideshow we will see the.

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Presentation on theme: "Our friend the comma! Our friend the comma is a jack of all trades. He has different purposes and in different places. In this slideshow we will see the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our friend the comma! Our friend the comma is a jack of all trades. He has different purposes and in different places. In this slideshow we will see the most common reasons for our buddy the comma.

2 Clarifying Comma  This type of comma is used to prevent the misreading of a sentence. Without these commas readers often have to reread for understanding.  Examples By noon, time had run out. Because prisoners had tried to escape, a fence was constructed.

3 Courtesy Comma  This comma isn’t necessary, but is often used when two longer sentences are combined. It often comes before the words and, but, so, and allows for a smoother reading.  Examples I found that I missed being with schoolchildren, and I felt a longing to spend time in public schools again. (Jonathon Kozol) Her mother warned her not to be late, but she still was anyway.

4 Contrast Comma  This comma is used when you are comparing or contrasting two ideas in the same sentence. They are often before these words, not, instead, rather, although.  Examples No one knew my name, although I’d been in the same class all year. The color of the sky is usually blue, but I painted it yellow.

5 Parenthetical Comma  This comma comes in a pair. It is used at the beginning and ending of a parenthetical phrase. You use these commas instead of putting phrases into parentheses.  Examples Ms. Zelvy, my English teacher, is teaching us how to use commas. I was up all night coughing, due to my bronchitis, and am really tired this morning.

6 Confused yet?  Commas are a tricky punctuation mark and the rules on when to use them and when not to are just as tricky and argued by many.  When you’re not sure to have a comma or where to place it, think about these new rules and the following quote.  “When in doubt, leave the comma out.”  –Edgar H. Schuster

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