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PEER ASSESSMENT AND SELF- ASSESSMENT. Peer assessment  The practice is employed to save teachers time and improve students' understanding of course materials.

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2 Peer assessment  The practice is employed to save teachers time and improve students' understanding of course materials as well as improve their metacognitive skills. Rubrics are often used in conjunction with Self- and Peer- Assessment. [2]metacognitiveRubrics [2]

3 Peer assessment

4 Peer assessment :  - gets the students more familiar with the standards of the qualification as they need to assess each other in relation to them - it gives them the chance to practice giving and receiving feedback in a constructive way - it promotes discussion and interaction - students can learn from each other’s mistakes and successes

5 Self-assessment  + self-assessment can help to make learners more active, to realize that they have the ultimate responsibility for learning.  Self-assessment can help learners to locate their own strengths and weaknesses and then get them to think about what they need to do,in order to get better marks. By encouraging such individual reflection, self-assessment can begin to make students see their learning in personal terms. As Chamot and O’Malley point out (1994: 119)

6 Peer and self assessment help to create a learning community within the classroom. When students are involved in criteria and goal setting, self evaluation becomes a logical step in the learning process.


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