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Whole Organism Cloning Plant cloning Animals that clone Embryo splitting/twins Nuclear Transfer.

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Presentation on theme: "Whole Organism Cloning Plant cloning Animals that clone Embryo splitting/twins Nuclear Transfer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whole Organism Cloning Plant cloning Animals that clone Embryo splitting/twins Nuclear Transfer

2 Early cloning First successful clone of tadpoles in the 1970's. Transplanted the nucleus from a specialized cell of one frog into an unfertilized egg in which the nucleus had been destroyed by UV light

3 1996 Dolly Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Transplanted nucleus from mammary gland cell from white faced sheep to the enucleated egg of a black faced sheep. Stimulated with electricity to fuze and stimulate cell division

4 Dolly and Dolly

5 Dolly cont... Dolly was shown to be genetically identical to the donor white faced sheep Dolly has reproduced through normal sexual means. Other mammals that have been cloned through the same method include cows, pigs, monkeys, and mice.

6 Why Clone? Mass produce plants or animals with desired qualities  Prize winning orchid  GE sheep to produce insulin  Normal breeding could deselect the desired trait Replace lost or deceased family pets Repopulating endangered or extinct species Therapeutic Cloning

7 Problems with Cloning Current Success rate of only 1-4% Mitochondrial DNA Time lag Environmental conditioning Ethics

8 Problems with Cloning Current Success rate of only 1-4% Mitochondrial DNA Time lag Environmental conditioning Ethics

9 More Problems Finding sufficient source of eggs and surrogate mothers Genetic abnormalities: hearts, lungs, blood vessel complications, diabetes, immune systems Euthanizing embryos or infants can be considered unethical, especially with humans. Early Death - Telomeres

10 Human Cloning Therapeutic Cloning  Make a clone of patient  Extract stem cells from embryo  Grow tissues for transplant  Save a life Where would eggs and surrogate mothers come from? The Island

11 Links to Resourses How Stuff Works: Cloning  Cloning 101  TEDed  Nuclear Transfer  Wormhole: Implications of cloning  DNA Learning Center  zeELA zeELA

12 Make Your Own Notes Process of whole organism cloning Embryonic splitting vs SCNT Selective breading vs biotech Implications of cloning  Plants  Animals  Humans Factors that may affect the clone

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