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By: Shua Kim. It was named after the Roman mythology, Neptune, he was the god of the sea.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Shua Kim. It was named after the Roman mythology, Neptune, he was the god of the sea."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Shua Kim


3 It was named after the Roman mythology, Neptune, he was the god of the sea.

4 Who? Galle and d’Arrest When? September 23 rd, 1846 How? Neptune was found when Saturn’s rings were being observed

5  It is the 8 th planet from the Sun, the last one.  It’s distance from the Sun is 4,498,252,900 km  It’s distance from Earth is 4,313,041,920 km.

6 Mass- 1.0247e26 kg. Volume- 62,525,703,987,421 km. Density- 1.638 g/cm 3 Gravity- 11.6699135 m/s 2 My planet would sink because it is denser than water.

7 It would take Neptune 165 Earth years for it to orbit the Sun. It would take 19 hours and 12 minutes for Neptune to rotate on its own axis.

8 Hydrogen Helium Methane It has a very thick atmosphere

9 Highest is -250F˚ and the lowest is -370F˚. Average is -353F˚.

10 Neptune is one of the gas giants. It has no definite surface. It’s layers contain of various “ices” and rocks. Neptune doesn’t contain any interior layering. Neptune looks very blue because of the methane in the atmosphere.

11 It has huge storms which last hundreds of years and it has extreme winds.

12 Neptune has 6 rings. They look like faint arcs and although they are very dark, they have bright clumps on them. Discovered by the Voyager 2.

13 Moons 13 moons Discovered by the Voyager 2.

14 Ice Gas

15 We would all freeze to death.

16 The only space prone sent to Neptune was Voyager 2. It’s atmosphere has dark spots which come and go and bright cirrus-like clouds which change rapidly. Neptune is so far away that it receives a thousand times less sunlight than Earth does. Has 100-year-long storms, also known as the Great Blue Spot.

17 Websites I used

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