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They’re – contraction of they + are there – relates to place/where their – shows possession, that it belongs to them.

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Presentation on theme: "They’re – contraction of they + are there – relates to place/where their – shows possession, that it belongs to them."— Presentation transcript:

1 they’re – contraction of they + are there – relates to place/where their – shows possession, that it belongs to them

2 n/there-their-and-theyre

3 1. _______ water bottles were empty. 2. The children are smiling because ______ so happy. 3. I think I left my bag over _____. 4. That’s not your book, it’s ____ book! 5. _____ school is called St Mary Magdalene’s, and _____ really glad that they go _____. 6. Write a sentence using their. 7. Write a sentence using there. 8. Write a sentence using they’re.

4 a lot alot a lot is always two words!



7 A lot of fire



10 it’s and its We only use an apostrophe for it is or it has (contraction).

11 1. The dog chased ____ tail. 2. I watch Doctor Who because ____ great! 3. _____ three o’clock. 4. The table was missing ______ leg. 5. The cat is grinning because _____ happy. 6. The penguin ran to _____ mother. 7. The teddy bear wore ______ own jumper. 8. Come up with your own!

12 of and off of shows connection off shows disconnection

13 1. The Phantom ____ the Opera is ______, inside your mind. 2. I took my hat ___ when I came inside. 3. Please turn the television _____. 4. I can’t think ____ anything. 5. You can tell me all ____ your thoughts. 6. Jennifer ran ____. 7. Queen Elizabeth is the queen _____ the United Kingdom. 8. Please stay ____ the grass. 9. Take care ____ yourself. 10. December is a long way _____. 11. On Saturday, we have a day ____. 12. None ____ this is your fault.

14 then and than then relates to time than introduces a comparison

15 1. Go to the traffic lights, _____ turn right. 2. I am older _____ you. 3. If you had cleaned your teeth properly, ____ you wouldn’t have a problem. 4. We’ll have this written by _____. 5. 7 is more _____ 4. 6. Peter turned _____ reminded us that he had more money _____ us.

16 effect and affect effect = noun affect = verb

17 1. The damp will _____ my health. 2. The weather has a positive ______ on my mood. 3. If you work hard, this will ______ your results. 4. The _____ of loud music is to damage your hearing. 5. Drinking water has a rewarding ______ on your body. 6. The road was closed but it didn’t _____ me.

18 two too to

19 two – noun (number) too – adverb (also, excessively) to – preposition (refers to a position. Also used before a verb in an infinitive)

20 1. I went ___ the shops. 2. Meg was ____ tired to walk ____ the shops. 3. I wanted to come _____! 4. I’ll be gone for ____ weeks. 5. Next week I’m am driving ___ London, would you like __ come _____? 6. Just the _____ of us. 7. You’ve gone ____ far. 8. I want ___ run away. 9. I have always been _____ busy ____ go.

21 are and our are (verb) you/they are our (determiner) the possessive form of ‘we’ e.g. ‘our house’

22 1. ____ teacher has brown hair. 2. It takes fifteen minutes to get to ____ school. 3. We ____ in Year Six. 4. They ____ visiting ____ school. 5. We ____ happy. 6. I think we should take _____ umbrellas. 7. Your books ____ there, _____ books are here. 8. There you ____!

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