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Can you think of 5 differences (variations) between people that are inherited? Do now!

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Presentation on theme: "Can you think of 5 differences (variations) between people that are inherited? Do now!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you think of 5 differences (variations) between people that are inherited? Do now!

2 Last lesson Variation

3 Continuous variation

4 Either many genes are involved in that characteristic Or the genes are operating with environmental effects too Continuous variation

5 Either many genes are involved in that characteristic Or the genes are operating with environmental effects too Body mass Milk yield Hand size Continuous variation

6 Discontinuous variation

7 A single gene gives the characteristic The gene operates with no environmental effects Discontinuous variation

8 A single gene gives the characteristic The gene operates with no environmental effects Discontinuous variation Tongue rolling Blood group Eye colour Sex

9 Stick the sheet in.

10 Today’s lesson Understand the difference between species, breeds, varieties

11 Read pages 6 to 9 and write 10 multiple choice questions (each with 4 possible answers) on the subject of species, breeds, varieties, selective breeding and cross-breeding

12 Multiple choice questions

13 Which salt is produced when nitric acid is added to lithium hydroxide?

14 A. Lithium nitride Close, but incorrect

15 Which salt is produced when nitric acid is added to lithium hydroxide? A.Lithium nitride B.Nitric oxide Incorrect, but sounds “scientific”

16 Which salt is produced when nitric acid is added to lithium hydroxide? A.Lithium nitride B.Nitric oxide C.Lithium nitrate Correct!

17 Which salt is produced when nitric acid is added to lithium hydroxide? A.Lithium nitride B.Nitric oxide C.Lithium nitrate D.Marmite Humorous!

18 Read pages 6 to 9 and write 10 multiple choice questions (each with 4 possible answers) on the subject of species, breeds, varieties, selective breeding and cross-breeding

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