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Beginnings to 1800 The “Beginning” of the Journey in American literature.

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1 Beginnings to 1800 The “Beginning” of the Journey in American literature

2 The First Migration When the first Europeans arrived in the 15 th century (1400s), American Indians were living in diverse societies spread across the continent. The “New World” was the focus of the dreams and desires of an entire era.

3 The Puritan Legacy In several ways, the American character has been shaped by the moral, ethical, and religious convictions of the Puritans. “Puritan”: several Protestant groups who beginning around 1560 sought to “purify” the Church of England, which for many years had been closely tied to the government.

4 Puritan Beliefs Religion was first and foremost a personal, inner experience. Did NOT believe the clergy (church leaders) or the government could or should act as an intermediary (middle man) between the individual and God. They suffered religious persecution in England, and many set sail for the infamous “New World” in 1620.

5 Puritan Beliefs: Sinners All? Believed in “Original Sin”: “In Adam’s Fall/We sinned all.” BUT... They also believed in Christ’s salvation & the New Testament. THE BIG ? for the Puritans was: How do you KNOW if you are “saved” or “damned”? They believed those to be saved were already predetermined, or chosen, or known as the “elect”.

6 Puritan Beliefs, Continued Saved by God’s grace FEEL the grace arrive Demonstrate this grace by behavior “Reborn” after receiving grace Behave like a “saint”

7 Puritan Values Self-reliance Industriousness Temperance Simplicity

8 Puritan Politics Covenant, or contract existed between God and humanity. Mayflower Compact: prepared the ground for American constitutional democracy

9 Salem Witchcraft Trials: 1692 The witchcraft hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 resulted in part from fear that the community’s moral foundation was threatened; therefore, in Puritans’ beliefs, their political cohesion was also in danger.

10 Characteristics of Puritan Writing Bible provided a model: Individual life as a “journey” to salvation Used writing to explore inner and outer lives as signs of God’s work Diaries and histories Favored a plain style: stressed clarity and avoided complicated figures of speech

11 Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter SO... Why read The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne during the “Beginnings to 1800” era of American literature? Hawthorne (1804-1864), although he did not live during this era, had ancestors who were Puritans. In his novel, The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne writes based on findings and primary sources of a story of Puritan hypocrisy and closed-mindedness, as well as the “hidden sins” of many. Hawthorne was highly critical of the Puritan religion and behavior. He was concerned so much that he was related to Puritans from his ancestry that he changed his name! Originally “Hathorne”, he added the “w” to distinguish himself from his Puritan ancestors.

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