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General Information How Scopus was developed: “Evidence-based development”  Market demand: abstract database, which should be …  Intuitive  Comprehensive.

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2 General Information

3 How Scopus was developed: “Evidence-based development”  Market demand: abstract database, which should be …  Intuitive  Comprehensive  For 2 years regular session with 21 development partners  Information professionals  End-users  “Scopus” claim: the power of navigation

4  “How do I keep track of the growing amount of information?”  “How do I know what is relevant to my work?”  “Why would I need my library, since I have Google?” To which questions of researchers Scopus is the answer

5 Question no. 1: “How do I keep track of the growing amount of information?” (1)  We need one starting point to access peer-reviewed journals  Scopus covers 14,000 scientific titles …  … from 4,000 publishers world-wide  Abstracts of >27 million articles from 1966 onwards  10 years of references (1996 – present)  Various publication types  E.g. conference proceedings  >150 open access journals  We do not want to miss out on the web  Integrated web search via Scirus - across 180 million scientific sites (incl. Authors’ websites, patent information, pre-print servers)

6 Question no. 1: “How do I keep track of the growing amount of information?” (2)  Scopus’ title coverage is global …  52% (!) from Europe, Middle East, Africa  36% from North America  9% from Asia-Pacific  3% from South America  … and all-science  38% on Life and Health Sciences (100% Medline coverage)  33% on Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering  17% on Biology, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences  12% on Social Sciences, Psychology, Economics

7 Question no. 2: “How do I know what is relevant to my work?”  Intuitive search tools  Basic Search  Quick Search  Advanced Search  Intelligent tool for refining results  Offers printer-friendly version and export/saving of result list  Customisation through alerts – for example:  Keyword Alert  Author Alert  Document Citation Alert  Offers cross-disciplinary findings  You get used to ONE interface – instead of getting frustrated with many  English-language abstracts even of non-English sources

8 Question no. 3: “Why would I need my library, since I have Google?”  Google does NOT lead to peer-reviewed subscribed literature  Scopus DOES!  Scopus will increase usage of the library’s subscribed resources  Scopus brings you to these resources instantly - in less clicks than other products  To the article’s abstract and to references (since 1996)  To the publisher’s website (via cross-ref)  To the full-text version of the article (if your institution has access)  Scopus ALSO serves as a gate-way to non-peer reviewed web resources (by integration of Scirus)

9 How does Scopus fit into the Elsevier portfolio (orange boxes) Science DirectSpringerOnline Points of retrieval (publishers’ platforms) Points of access (subject-based A&I databases) Embase.comBiosys … Inspec Ei Compendex … Scopus Single point of access: 4,000 publish. Cross-disciplinary

10 Wrap-up: Key Points of Scopus  Intuitive  Intelligent  Instant  Comprehensive  Cross-disciplinary  Customisable The 3 “I”s The 3 “C”s “I see”

11 Our suggestions to prospects  Please have a look at 

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