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The Number 1 Preventable Cause of Death in the U.S. is.

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2 The Number 1 Preventable Cause of Death in the U.S. is

3 Tobacco Forms--Cigarettes, chewing tobacco, pipes, cigars Forms--Cigarettes, chewing tobacco, pipes, cigars

4 Chemicals in Tobacco 401 401 poisonous 45 45 cancer causing

5 n Tar- coats bronchial tubes and damages cilia causing dirt and germs to collect

6 Nicotine--addictive, stimulant that increases your heart rate Nicotine--addictive, stimulant that increases your heart rate

7 Carbon Monoxide--decreases oxygen intake, causes shortness of breath (odorless gas) Carbon Monoxide--decreases oxygen intake, causes shortness of breath (odorless gas)

8 Mother to infant- low birth weight, premature, SIDS, miscarriages Mother to infant- low birth weight, premature, SIDS, miscarriages

9 Lung Cancer-- 120,000 Americans die/yr., low cure rate Lung Cancer-- 120,000 Americans die/yr., low cure rate

10 Tobacco related Diseases Other cancers-- larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas Other cancers-- larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas

11 Tobacco related Diseases n Respiratory problems-- chronic bronchitis and emphysema

12 Cardiovascular diseases-- increased heart rate, increases blood pressure Cardiovascular diseases-- increased heart rate, increases blood pressure 120,000 smokers die/yr. due to cardiovascular disease 120,000 smokers die/yr. due to cardiovascular disease


14 Second-hand Smoke n 75% is put into the environment n Contains 2 times as much tar and nicotine and 3 times as much carbon monoxide

15 n After 30 minutes in a smoke filled room, you have inhaled as much as someone who smoked a cigarette


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