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The Hopi And Kwakiutl By:Vipisha.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hopi And Kwakiutl By:Vipisha."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hopi And Kwakiutl By:Vipisha

2 The Hopi and Kwakiutl Food
The Hopi grew mainly crops. They grew corn, beans, squash, melons, pumpkins, and many other veggies. The Kwakiutl ate mostly sea animals. They ate fish, whales, oysters, crabs, roots, and berries

3 The Hopi and Kwakiutl Clothing
The Hopi grew cotton to make short kilts, mantas, and deer skin moccasins. Since the Kwakiutl didn’t grow cotton they used regular bark and cedar bark.

4 The Hopi and Kwakiutl’s Shelter
The Hopi built houses called pueblos. They made their houses with a clay called adobe. They used desert sand and water to make this clay. The Kwakiutl used tree bark to build their houses. Their houses were simple like cottages.

5 Where did the Kwakiutl and Hopi live?
The Hopi lived in the Northeast Arizona. It was dry and hot there. The Kwakiutl lived in the Pacific Northeast. They lived next to the ocean.

6 The Proud Native Americans
The Hopi and Kwakiutl were proud Native Americans. The way they used the natural resources around them makes us feel wonderful. It makes us wonder, ”Did our ancestors once be Native Americans like the Hopi and Kwakiutl”?

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