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1 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC GLAST Data & Software Release plans + Science Support Center Services C.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC GLAST Data & Software Release plans + Science Support Center Services C."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC GLAST Data & Software Release plans + Science Support Center Services C. Shrader, GLAST SSC GSFC, Code 661

2 2 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC Overview: GSSC Services Develop and maintain public data archive as part of HEASARC Distribute & support GLAST analysis software Various aspects of proposal support Web services including software documentation, mission new & information Help desk, phone support ToO and timeline support Guidance from project, NASA HQ and GLAST Users Group

3 3 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC Data Analysis Support GSSC has scientists at GSFC and both instrument team sites General “help desk” facility supported via GSSC web site GSSC plans to conduct data analysis workshops and demonstrations  Schedules, specific venues tbd (e.g. future AAS, HEAD) Visit the GSSC web site:

4 4 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC Proposal Support Separate presentation  D. Band Cycle-1 materials are online Help desk, FAQs DB now active Proposals due September 7, 2007  Peer review Dec. 2007

5 5 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC GLAST Data: A Few Key Points GLAST is primarily operated in scanning mode  Not traditional telescope “Observations”  All sources are observed at least once every two orbits; typical ~1/6 duty cycle  All data are time ordered Survey data Pointed observations (including AR’s, ToO’s)  Cannot isolate LAT events for single source analysis  PSF ~3.5º @ E=100 MeV, ~0.15º at E>10 GeV  Analysis of spatial region required

6 6 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC GLAST Data (cont.)  Exposure time tabulation is trickier than for typical astronomical telescope  SW handles this, but cognizance is urged  All data stored in sky regions; new data is added to the region as it is received (~hrs)  GSSC data server will “carve out” data from the full-sky DB based user-defined cuts:.  Will accept a spatial region  Allows for selection based on time  Energy cuts are also supported  Additional cuts downstream w/science tools

7 7 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC GLAST SAE GLAST “Standard Analysis Environment” (SAE); collaborative effort, GSSC and instrument teams Will be distributed as an “FTOOLS” package  Adherence to broader HEASARC standards  “Atomic” executables, FITS I/o, IRAF style param files  Scriptable, easy GUI implementation GBM related tools released prior to Cycle 1  Full set of LAT tools prior to Cycle 2 LAT analysis has unique complexities associated w/PSF, backgrounds, scanning  Usability and viability demonstrated to 1st order  Data challenges (GLAST collaboration)  Beta testing (GLAST Users Committee)

8 8 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC GLAST SAE Overview of capabilities  Maximum likelihood tool—spatial-spectral analysis of region (source detection, flux)  Includes background models  Pulsars—period analysis, blind searches  Includes ephemerides DB  GRBs—temporal cuts, binned-spectral analysis using XSPEC Tools and documentation will be released through GSSC website  release schedule driven by launch & data availability

9 9 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC GLAST SAE (cont.) Existing tools used when possible and appropriate  ds9, fv, Root for visualization  HEADAS (Ftools) libraries and basic utilities  XSPEC for spectral model fitting (w/caveats) Stable support for standard tools & backward compatibility as warranted  File formats conform to HEASARC standards  Major analysis elements have been verified with existing tools & simulated data Supported platforms  Development is simultaneous on Linux and Windows  All HEADAS supported platforms will be supported

10 10 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC GLAST SAE (cont.) A limited set of science tools are available for the first proposal period GBM analysis is supported by “gtbin” + Ftools & XSPEC A full release is scheduled for support of Cycle 2  2 nd proposal period and analysis of the 1 st year data Plans for pre-release beta testing are under discussion with GUG & in-house

11 11 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC SAE Release Schedule Distributed via GSSC website or w/HEADAS distribution GBM tools: Launch + 0 months LAT tools: Launch + 8 months Documentation  Full set accompanies SW release  GLAST Technical Handbook: online now  Multiple levels:  Detailed description  Individual tool descriptions (like Ftool help pages)  Analysis threads

12 12 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC Basic Data Policy Mission cycle 1: limited LAT data release  Selected high-level products  Information on transient discoveries  Full GBM data release Mission cycle 2 and beyond: All Science Data Are Public As Soon As Processed  Automated pipeline, SLAC  GSSC  <2-day latency requirement, but expect ~hrs

13 13 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC GLAST Data Release Policy LAT instrument team is responsible for:  Calibrations and analysis methods need to be verified  Preparation of source list, point source catalog LAT high-level data product release  Fluxes, spectra and lightcurves for ~25 sources  Transients exceeding F th ~2x10 -6 cm -2 s -1  Full GBM release Summary GBM and LAT burst information: locations, spectra, durations, peak fluxes Preliminary LAT source list @ 6 months Auxiliary data (details under discussion) Cycle 1

14 14 Getting Involved with GLAST Workshop, CFA, 06/21/2007 - C. Shrader, NASA/GSFC GLAST Data Release Policy Prompt release of all level-1 data products! LAT events—energy, time, and direction of events classified as photons  FITS event list, following HEASARC conventions  Also, accompanying FITS DB of spacecraft info GBM events—energy and time of events from burst All auxiliary data  e.g. “Exposure Cubes” can in some cases be pre- generated saving end-user CPU time Cycle-2 and Beyond

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