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Obj: to recognize math words and to convert English to Math

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Presentation on theme: "Obj: to recognize math words and to convert English to Math"— Presentation transcript:

1 Obj: to recognize math words and to convert English to Math
English to Algebra Obj: to recognize math words and to convert English to Math

2 Key Words Addition: get more, plus, increase by, sum, more than, greater than, add Subtraction: less than, decreased by, fewer than, deduct, subtract, minus, difference Multiplication: product, times, of, double, twice, triple Division: quotient, divide, divided by Equal: is, was

3 Example 1 9 decreased by 5 9-5 2 increased by 7 2+7

4 Example 2 5 more than 3 3+5 8 less than 12 12-8

5 Example 3 A number increased by 7 X+7
7 increased by 5 times the number 7+5x

6 Example 4 The $340 price of a camera is $40 more than 3 times the cost. Let x = cost =40+3x 300=3x 3 3 x= 100 dollars

7 Example 5 Mr. Post’s weight decreased by 15 is 140. Find my weight.
X= Post’s weight x-15=140 x=155 lbs.

8 Example 6 Five less than two times a number is 75
Let x = the number 2x-5=75 Less than flip sides 2x=80 2 2 x=40

9 Example 7 If w=10ft P=2L+2w P=48ft 48=2L+2(10) Find the L 48=2L+20
Let x=length 28=2L 2 2 L=14 ft

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