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Coming to America.

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1 Coming to America

2 Immigrants Old Immigrants- from northern and Western Europe, arrived before 1870 New Immigrants: from Southern and Eastern Europe, Arrived after 1870

3 Ellis Island and Angel Island
European Immigrants enter America through Ellis Island in New York, see statue of liberty Asian immigrants enter through Angel Island in San Francisco Harbor Culture Shock- feeling overwhelmed entering a new country

4 Contributions Chinese and Irish- Built the Transcontinental Railroad.
European Immigrants- worked in sweatshops, steel mills, and coal mines Sweatshops- low pay, and poor conditions

5 Melting Pot A Melting Pot- describes the blending of cultures and races in America. Immigrants were assimilated into American society, learned English, and went to school

6 Nativism Nativism- dislike towards immigrants Leads to discrimination
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)- first immigration restriction law that stopped immigration of Chinese for 10 years.

7 Cultural Pluralism Cultural Pluralism- small groups maintain their cultural identities within a larger society. This leads to ethnic neighborhoods *Ex. Little Italy, Chinatown, Harlem, Spanish Harlem

8 Urbanization Urbanization- City Growth
Rapid growth of cities caused housing shortages Frederick Olmsted- city planner who created central park

9 Transportation Electric Trolley- Trains that ran above ground to quickly move across the city Subways- Underground trains

10 Settlement houses Houses set up for poor and immigrants, helped them find jobs Hull house-famous settlement house found in Chicago, created by Jane Addams

11 Apartment Dumbbell Tenements- apartments where many families would live, Poorly built, often would burn Jacob Riis documented living conditions in American city apartments Wrote the book How the Other Half Lives

12 Political Poster Create a Political poster about immigration
It can be about the positives coming to America, or the negatives of working here Must have a “catch phrase” Must be colored

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