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David Choffnes, Northeastern University Jingjing Ren, Northeastern University Ashwin Rao, University of Helsinki Martina Lindorfer, Vienna Univ. of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "David Choffnes, Northeastern University Jingjing Ren, Northeastern University Ashwin Rao, University of Helsinki Martina Lindorfer, Vienna Univ. of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Choffnes, Northeastern University Jingjing Ren, Northeastern University Ashwin Rao, University of Helsinki Martina Lindorfer, Vienna Univ. of Technology Arnaud Legout, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis ReCon: Revealing and Controling PII Leaks in Mobile Network Systems DTL Workshop, Nov. 2015 Sponsored by:

2 Motivation 2  Mobile devices  Rich sensors  Ubiquitous connectivity  Key questions  What personal information is transmitted?  To whom does it go?  What can average users do about it?

3 How Frequently Is PII Leaked? 3 Basic tracking is common Significant fraction of very personal information leaked across all platforms PII leakage is pervasive! Fraction of top 100 apps leaking PII (Tested in September, 2015)

4 How to Detect PII Leaks in Mobile? 4  At the OS  Information flow analysis (static/dynamic/hybrid)  Ok solutions, but not perfect or easily deployable  In the network  Independent of OS, app store  Easy to detect if you know what PII to search for What if you don’t know the PII a priori?

5 ReCon: Automatically Identifying PII Leaks 5  Hypothesis: PII leaks have distinguishing characteristics  Is it just simple key/value pairs (e.g., “ user=R3C0N ”)? Nope, this leads to high FP/FN rates  Need to learn the structure of PII leaks  Approach: Build ML classifiers to reliably detect leaks  Does not require knowing PII in advance  Resilient to changes in PII leak formats over time  We built ReCon  Machine learning to reveal PII leaks from mobile devices  Software middleboxes to intercept and control leaks  Works on all major platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)

6 ReCon: Viewing detected leaks 6  PII Category Device Identifiers Contact Information User Identifiers Credentials  User Feedback Correct Incorrect Not sure Not about me

7 Where They Know You’ve Been 7  Location information is hard to digest using text alone  WTKYB shows just how pervasive location tracking is  Creepiness factor to help users care more about privacy(?)

8 Mitigating PII Leaks 8  ReCon gives users control over leaks  Example simple strategies Block PII Modify PII Randomize identifiers Coarsen locations  Advanced mitigation (under dev) Mock user profiles Provide k-anonymity

9 How does ReCon work? 9  Key challenges for ML-based PII detection  Which classifier do we use? C4.5 Decision Tree is best trade-off between speed and accuracy  How do we train the classifier? Use traces from real users and controlled experiments Break flows into separate words that may indicate a leak Feature selection for scalability  How well are we doing? Controlled experiments In the wild: Only the users themselves know for sure! Crowdsourced reinforcement

10 Key Results: ReCon accuracy 10  How accurate is ReCon?  99% overall accuracy from controlled experiments  FPR: 2.2%, FNR: 3.5%  Why? Per-domain classifiers Decision tree captures non-trivial cases

11 Key Results: ReCon Has Good Coverage 11  How does it compare to other solutions? ReCon finds significantly more PII than IFA solutions ReCon successfully idenifies missing leaks after retraining Fraction of total leaks found

12 Key Results: User study 12  IRB-approved user study  24 iOS, 13 Android devices  20/26 responses: system useful & behavior change  165 cases of credential leaks, 94 verified  Average leaks: iOS > Android   Unexpected, suspicious leaks Recipe/cooking app tracks location Video/Game/News app leaks gender  And more… Check out http://recon.meddle.mobi

13 Summary 13  ReCon: Provides transparency/control over PII leaks  Relies only on access to network traffic (OS independent)  Machine learning to automatically identify PII leaks  Crowdsourced reinforcement with user feedback  Works today! Check out http://recon.meddle.mobi Sponsor: Questions? David Choffnes

14 Backups 14

15 Encryption and ReCon 15  What is your answer for increasing use of encryption?  Recon needs access only to plaintext flows  mcTLS, BlindBox  Route to trusted middlebox that can do MITM Works for most apps, but usually not logins  Haystack (on Android device)

16 Encryption: What is leaked? 16  Leaks over SSL (not much)  Send PII to trackers over SSL (100 apps/device) 6 iOS 2 Android 1 Windows  Problem with SSL Certification pining Not working with VPN enabled  Obfuscation  Little evidence in controlled experiment using IFA

17 Other applications of ReCon 17  K-anonymity  Explicit sharing  Allow users to control how much shared to third-parties  Obfuscation  Retrain classifiers to identify obfuscated leaks  Use static/dynamic to analysis tools that are resilient to evasion techniques

18 Deployment models 18  ReCon only needs access to network flows  VPN proxy (current deployment): tunnel to proxy server Currently supported by all mobile OSes Can run VMs anywhere in the world  Raspberry Pi In home network Enables HTTPS decryption with minimal additional risks  On device Haystack on Android  In network Awazza and other APN/middlebox deployment models

19 Methodology Details 19  Controlled experiments as ground truth  Text classification approaches  Problem: Given a network flow, whether it contains PII information or not?  Feature Extraction: Bag-of-word model /someevent?x=1&y=2 {“z”:”xx@y”} Words: someevent, x, 1, y, 2, z, xx@y,  Per-Domain classifiers (e.g. Google-Analytics) Faster (compared to one-for-all) More accurate  Library: weka

20 Why Run ReCon? 20  User incentives  Control over data leaks!  Blocking unwanted content  k-anonymity for increased privacy

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