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Tayeesa and Anna Gel Electrophoresis. The process:  Restriction enzymes cut DNA of interest  The pieces of restricted DNA are placed into the wells.

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Presentation on theme: "Tayeesa and Anna Gel Electrophoresis. The process:  Restriction enzymes cut DNA of interest  The pieces of restricted DNA are placed into the wells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tayeesa and Anna Gel Electrophoresis

2 The process:  Restriction enzymes cut DNA of interest  The pieces of restricted DNA are placed into the wells on the gel.  Then a voltage (current) is placed on the agarose gel, this happens by electrodes on both ends.  The current separates the macromolecules by size and charge. (they move at different speeds depending on size)  Negative moves towards positive end. (Anode)

3 Visualize the Process:

4 Blot: -Capillary action pulls an alkaline solution through the gel - transfers DNA through paper - denatures it -single strands of DNA stick to the paper

5 PCR Denaturing the double strand  polymerase chain reaction  multiplies pieces of DNA  exponential multiplication of DNA  PCR makes enough DNA to do Gel Electrophoresis on

6 Nylon Filter  Sits on top of gel  filter paper takes up genetic material  process of blot  Basically sucks up the genetic information  Used to make the results readable

7 Radioactive Probe/ X Ray film  paper plot exposed to solution containing radioactively labeled probe  the probe is a single stranded dna that is complementary to dna sequence of interest  attaches by base pairing to restriction fragments

8 Problems  If it is not recognized by restriction enzymes:  would be a long band  If a scientist puts it on the wrong side then the gel  would not move  Notice no lines

9 When would you use gel electrophesis  Visualize DNA  see changes in a person’s DNA  recognize what is not the same between two pieces of DNA  crime scenes

10 Works Cited electrophoresis&h=270&w=593&tbnid=cfSMX7AMBJVIMM:&docid=9p_2nTcYHGYqfM&ei=QjqvVtigJ4Wp-QGw6JDwBA&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwjYye2VtNbKAhWFVD4KHTA0BE4QMwgyKAAwAA nPtdbKAhXGWT4KHcDJA1AQjRwIBw&,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNGuVWA- MZ07BjwizNhOB22LQ47dyw&ust=1454411074670262 hern_blot&bvm=bv.113034660,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNEnF_x2Bdd6Xv5Z1ZQsLy_JXS6z_g&ust=1454411258029818 2Fid1.html&bvm=bv.113034660,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNF8OYovkCdvYyxee5_mb_RLKcmQwA&ust=1454411549779973 questions%2F16290%2Fhow-do-i-get-a-brighter-dna-bands&bvm=bv.113034660,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNFe8TPNq49HHLrD_bIUb6aTUsasFA&ust=1454411715077299 PCR%2520quantitation%2520of%2520cytokines&h=259&w=361&tbnid=FkK8bri71avGPM:&docid=uRaizcX1160IgM&ei=nT6vVtHcDoa3- AHfuYX4BA&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwiRn6upuNbKAhWGGz4KHd9cAU8QMwgtKBEwEQ Our textbook is where we gained most of the knowledge. GO BIO!

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