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The Derbyshire Context

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1 The Derbyshire Context
Kathryn Boulton Service Director Schools and Learning

2 Changing Landscape Greater school autonomy
Academy and free schools agenda Regional School Commissioner Education and Inspections Act Teaching Schools Systems leadership – collaboration Journey to Excellence

3 Responsibilities/Functions
High quality outcomes for all learners Fair Access Ensuring sufficient education places Champion of children, parents and the community Support for vulnerable children School performance - ensuring high standards Broker and commissioner for school to school support

4 Schools in Derbyshire Number of schools: 350 primary (63 infant, 52 junior); 45 secondary; 10 special; 3 PRUs Number of academies: 16 primary; 16 secondary Number of pupils: 107,491; 56.7% primary; 41,7% secondary FSM: 15.1% primary (17% NA); 12.2% secondary (14.6% NA) IMD: 99/144 IMD range Bolsover 58/326 districts in England to Dales 241/326 Statements: primary: 1.7% (1.4% NA); secondary: 2.3% (1.9% NA) EAL 1.9% primary (18.7% NA) and 1.2% secondary (14.3% NA) BME 6.6% primary (29.5%) and 5.2% secondary (25.3%)

5 Journey to Excellence Vision
All our schools and settings are judged as good or better by 2017 Performance in Derbyshire is above the national average at all key benchmarks and at all key stages and within the top quartile of our statistical neighbours Attainment and progress gaps are closed between our lower achieving groups and the rest of the cohort The number of schools below national floor standards is reduced Attendance continues to improve and the level of persistent absence is further reduced Permanent exclusions are reduced to zero and the number of fixed term exclusions continues to reduce

6 Journey to Excellence Step change
Strengthened challenge and support in the system Revised QDD School Improvement Forum established Teaching School Alliance development Derbyshire Education Improvement Strategic Partnership Board established East Midlands priorities – FSM; EAL; CiC Pupil Premium strategy English strategy

7 Secondary Derbyshire ‘Getting to Good’ Challenge
Comprehensive plan for improving 2 year old offer Ready for School strategy Supporting Inclusion Group established Local commissioning of Alternative Provision Alternative models of leadership to address small schools and infant/junior factor SEND reforms

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