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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 The Cullens JacobForksPhoenixBella Edward.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 The Cullens JacobForksPhoenixBella Edward."— Presentation transcript:




4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 The Cullens JacobForksPhoenixBella Edward

6 What does Carlisle do for a living? Cullens 100

7 He is a doctor. Cullens100

8 Before moving to Forks, where did the Cullens live? Cullens 200

9 Alaska Cullens 200

10 Name the vampires in the Cullen family. Cullens 300

11 Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Edward. Cullens 300

12 What is Emmett’s favorite animal to hunt? Cullens 400

13 Grizzly Bears Cullens 400

14 Where did Alice live before becoming a vampire? Cullens 500

15 An insane asylum Cullens 500

16 Where does Jacob live? Jacob 100

17 La Push, or the Quileute Reservation Jacob 100

18 What kind of vehicles to Jacob and Bella work together to repair? Jacob 200

19 Motorcycles Jacob 200

20 In Eclipse, why does Bella punch Jacob? Jacob 300

21 Because he kisses her. Jacob 300

22 Where does Bella first meet Jacob in Twilight? Jacob 400

23 1st Beach Jacob 400

24 What kind of a charm did Jacob give to Bella? Jacob 500

25 A wolf charm. Jacob 500

26 Who does Bella live with in Forks? Forks 100

27 Her dad, or Charlie Swan. Forks 100

28 What does Bella’s dad do for a job? Forks 200

29 Police Chief. Forks 200

30 Why did the Cullens move to Forks? Forks 300

31 Because it is cloudy/ rainy most of the time. Forks 300

32 DAILY DOUBLE Forks 400 DAILY DOUBLE Place A Wager

33 What kind of car does Bella’s dad give to Bella? Forks DD

34 A 1953 red, Ford pickup truck. Forks DD

35 Where does Bella work? Forks 500

36 Olympic Outfitters, or Mike Newton’s parent’s store. Forks 500

37 Who did Bella live with Phoenix? Phoenix 100

38 Her mom, or Renee. Phoenix 100

39 In Twilight, which members of the Cullen family take Bella back to Phoenix? Phoenix 200

40 Alice and Jasper Phoenix 200

41 What sport does Bella’s mom’s boyfriend play? Phoenix 300

42 Baseball Phoenix 300

43 What part of Bella’s body did James bite? Phoenix 400

44 Her hand. Phoenix 400

45 What happened to the dance studio where James attacked Bella? Phoenix 500

46 It was set on fire and burned down. Phoenix 500

47 What initially attracted Edward to Bella? Edward 100

48 Her smell. Edward 100

49 What biology lesson did Edward purposely skip? Edward 200

50 Blood typing. Edward 200

51 How old was Edward when he became a vampire? Edward 300

52 17. Edward 300

53 Where was Edward born? E 400

54 Chicago Edward 400

55 Where does Edward take Bella on their first date? Edward 500

56 La Bella Italia Edward 500

57 What is Bella’s full name? Bella 100

58 Isabella Marie Swan Bella 100

59 In what class does Bella first meet Edward? Bella 200

60 Biology Bella 200

61 Who cut in between Bella and Edward at the prom? Bella 300

62 Jacob Black Bella 300

63 What was Bella looking for when she got lost in Port Angeles? Bella 400

64 A bookstore. Bella 400

65 Who drove the van that almost hit Bella? Bella 500

66 Tyler Crowley. Bella 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Bella and Edward Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 When Bella first sat with Edward at lunch and he had asked about her theories on who she thought he was, which two superheroes' secret identities was Bella thinking about? Click on screen to continue

69 Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Peter Parker (Spiderman) Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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