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Lost Identity People steal your personal information and use it to rob you of your money and your dignity.

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Presentation on theme: "Lost Identity People steal your personal information and use it to rob you of your money and your dignity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lost Identity People steal your personal information and use it to rob you of your money and your dignity.

2 Introduction Radio ads inform us that people are trying to steal our identity, and we need protection by buying a service. This has been going on for years. Just the other day, some hackers were able to steal Forty-Five Million dollars in just a few hours. This sermon is not about our money, but I guess you figured that out already.

3 First Things First Before you can lose your identity or someone takes it from you, you must establish your identity. Over the years of your life, you develop into a person with an identity. Some people are known by what they have done. Others are known by the type of people they are.

4 First Things First The Christian should be known by the relationship with God that they have. Who we have become should be of concern. Other words along this same line that is similar to the word “identity” are: Character, reputation, and trust. It takes a long time to build each of these, but only a moment to lose or destroy them.

5 A Good Name Ecclesiastes 7:1 “A good name is better than a good ointment…..” As you go about meeting people, they are going to make judgments about who and what you are. Naturally, you want to make a good first impression, and you want to continue making good impressions.

6 A Good Name We want a good reputation. The problem is that nobody is going to give that to you. You have to earn it. Once you have earned it, you must be careful not to damage it. It only takes a moment, an instant, or a dumb decision to ruin it.

7 The Change When you lose a good reputation it is replaced by a bad reputation. When you lose your identity, you have to start over to get it back. Naturally, we are speaking of good. If you have a bad reputation, you want to change that to a good reputation. What kind of person are you?

8 The Identity Of A Christian One who has been called out of darkness into His marvelous light 2 Peter 2:9 We are called to be holy in our conduct. 1 Peter 1:15. We are to separate ourselves from the things of this world 2 Corinthians 6:17. We are to cease our friendship with the world. James 4:4

9 What Happens When We Lose Our Identity As A Christian. What It Means To Lose Your Identity Of Being A Christian It should be a matter of shame. For yourself---leading to repentance. For the congregation—leading to discipline. For Christ—leading to renewing the relationship. Sometimes, some people are really ashamed, but others do not care about it.

10 Other Factors About Our Identity Whether we like it or not, we are judged by the company we keep. I might be a very good person, but if I hang around those who are not, my reputation will be the same as the people I hang out with. Sometimes being a family member of someone with a bad reputation will cause people to think twice before giving us a chance. 1 Corinthians 15:33 “…bad company corrupts good morals”.

11 Other Factors About Our Identity It is extremely rare for a good person to influence a bad person to change into a good person. We fail to be a good servant of Christ. We lose our effectiveness for converting the lost. We could lose valuable friendships. If we do not do right to establish and keep a good identity, we will lose our soul in eternity.

12 Conclusion Everything we do and say becomes what others see in us. It becomes our identity. If we ruin it, it takes a long time to regain that trust and respect that was lost. Perhaps you need to start over. God can help you establish your path, and that will define who and what you will become.

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