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Ningbo No. 4 Senior High School Liu Yurong. Without reading the text, which topic do you think the text will be about? (A) The wrong ideas about aging.

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Presentation on theme: "Ningbo No. 4 Senior High School Liu Yurong. Without reading the text, which topic do you think the text will be about? (A) The wrong ideas about aging."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ningbo No. 4 Senior High School Liu Yurong

2 Without reading the text, which topic do you think the text will be about? (A) The wrong ideas about aging. (B) The life of an old man. Predict

3 Without reading the text,do you think the text will be about the following topics? (A) The wrong ideas about aging. (B) The life of an old man. Scanning & checking the answer ( Y ) ( N )

4 (1) anonymous (2) flexibility (3) stress (4) miraculously (5) senile (6) annoy (7) desert Match the words and their meanings B.with a name that is not known or that is not made sb. make sb. slightly angry. D.pressure G.behaving in a strange way, and unable to remember things, because of old age. A. able to change to suit new conditions or situations give up E.surprisingly

5 (1)He was _______with his wife because the dinner was badly cooked. (2)He has became so rude that his friends are ________ him. (3)At that time, we were faced with the ______ of poverty. (4)Mr.Li, who got badly hurt in the accident, was saved ___________. annoyed deserting stress miraculously desert annoy bright stress miraculously

6 Listening: Choices Para 1. At the turn of this century, the life span increased to: A.35 B.45 C.70

7 Para 2. How old is old? A.The calendar shows. B. You are as old (as young) as you feel. C. The body appears.

8 Para 3. How do people grow old? A.By living a number of years. B.By keeping a certain state of mind. C.By deserting their ideas.

9 Para 4. Why does Alice feel annoyed when people say “Gee, you look young for your age”? A.Because that means people should look a certain way at a certain age. B.Because people think she is old. C.Because she does not feel like being young.

10 1.Two hundred years ago, the average life span was 35. 2.About fifty years ago, the 70-year-olds were very old. 3.The calendar not only tells you how many years you have lived, but also tells you how well you have lived. 4.People grow old by deserting their ideas. 5.Alice Brophy thought there was a model to follow to judge one’s age. ( T ) ( F ) Reading: True or False ( F )

11 Youth is not a ______ of life---it is a state of ______. Nobody grows old by _______ a number of years; people grow old by ________ their ideas. time mind living deserting Summary of the first part: fill in the blanks

12 What can we do to help our grandparents keep young? Try to make them happy Visit them as often as possible Walk with them Remember their birthdays Try to reduce their loneliness …

13 Find out some common myths: Myth 1: Myth 2: Myth 3: When you get old, you become senile. Older people are rigid, unable to change. Most old people are in poor health. No _________ was found to indicate that aging was associated with inevitable decline in intellectual____________. Older people can break bad habits as ___________ as younger people. It’s possible to remain physically ___ throughout your life. connectwith itself fit bright evidence cope successfully There is no reason to _______ poor health _____ growing old. Old age ______ is not a disease. Older minds can be as _______ as young minds Older people are as diverse in their __________ and flexibility as ________ people. Older people can ____________ their problems well. performance life-styles younger

14 Answer the following questions: 1.Why do we usually think older people are in poor health? 2. What is senility? 3. What is the purpose of the 1985 study? 4. What stresses do old people usually deal with?

15 1.Why do we usually think older people are in poor health? Because they are more likely to be affected with illness and physical disabilities than younger people.

16 2. What is senility? Senility is a sign of disease. It’s not part of the normal aging process.

17 3. What is the purpose of the 1985 study? To find out whether aging was associated with a decline in intellectual performance.

18 4. What stresses do old people usually deal with? The death of loved ones, job, financial and domestic problems.


20 Suppose one of you is this old woman and the other ones are reporters. Now please make up an interview. 1. Why did you decide to practise street dance? 2. What can dance bring you? 3. What advice can you give to the young? …



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