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1 WARNING TO PRESENTER! Participants will need access to a clock with a second hand or a stopwatch for this activity. Participants will need access to:

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Presentation on theme: "1 WARNING TO PRESENTER! Participants will need access to a clock with a second hand or a stopwatch for this activity. Participants will need access to:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WARNING TO PRESENTER! Participants will need access to a clock with a second hand or a stopwatch for this activity. Participants will need access to: 45 degree C water (approximate) 35 degree C water (approximate) 25 degree C water (approximate) Provide water in large labeled buckets or labeled pitchers in the front of the room.

2 2 Experimenting: Factors that Affect Sponge Egg Hatching

3 Please complete the “Participant Card” 3

4 Put your student hat on Experience the kit Put your teacher hat on Envision classroom use Curriculum integration Support for students 4

5 Experimenting Student Handouts SafetyQuick Guide Student Instructions Turn to this page 5

6 Introduction: Imagine you are a researcher who works in a lab studying egg hatching in a species of sponges. Your lab kit contains simulated sponge eggs (small sponges enclosed in gelatin capsules). When these eggs are placed in water, the gelatin capsule dissolves allowing the eggs to hatch and a sponge “animal” to emerge. You have been asked to conduct an experiment to determine how water temperature affects the time required for sponge eggs to hatch.




10 Teacher Information 10 Quick Guide MSDS Key Safety

11 Purchase kits from 11

12 Individual Assembled Kits Fully assembled individual kits Unassembled Packs All supplies needed to make 10 kits Refill Packs All supplies needed to refill 10 kits

13 Become Involved as a Field Test Teacher Help us make new Science Take-Out kits teacher and student friendly. Indicate this on your card. Science Take-Out will contact you with further information 13

14 Become Involved as a Workshop Presenter Present a workshop to introduce colleagues to Science Take-Out kits Visit the Science Take-Out website for further information 14

15 Thanks for being a GREAT group!!! 15 Please turn in your participant card before you leave.

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