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Chapter 9 – Part 2 Water Resources.

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1 Chapter 9 – Part 2 Water Resources

2 Groundwater Label your diagrams
Aquifers- small spaces found within permeable layers of rock and sediment where water is found. Unconfined aquifers- an aquifer that is simply porous rock covered by soil. Confined aquifers- an aquifer surrounded by a layer of impermeable rock or clay. Label your diagrams

3 Porosity the percentage of a rock or sediment that consists of open spaces …like skin “pores” p.397

4 Permeability Percolation
the ability of a rock or sediment to let fluids pass through its open spaces, or pores the process of a liquid (water) seeping into the ground – like a percolating coffee maker: p.398

5 Groundwater Water table- the uppermost level at which the water in an area fully saturates the rock or soil. Recharge- the input process of water percolating into an aquifer. Springs- water from an aquifer that naturally percolates up to the surface.

6 Groundwater Label your diagrams
Cone of depression- an area where there is no longer any groundwater. Label your diagrams

7 Groundwater Label your diagrams
Saltwater intrusion- when the pumping of fresh water out of a well is faster than the recharge. Near coastal areas this can cause salt water to infiltrate the aquifer. Label your diagrams


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